April 4, 1995

Re: Andrew Sorfleet's employment with Maggie's,
the Toronto Prostitutes' Community Service Project

This letter is to confirm that Andrew Sorfleet was employed by our agency from March 1992 to October 1994 as an AIDS educator, assistant administrator and educational materials and resource development coordinator for our STD-prevention project, the Prostitutes' Safe Sex Project.

In the course of his work at Maggie's Andrew showed himself to be an effective, dedicated and sensitive educator/outreach worker who was able to reach and assist a diverse array of people in a wide variety of circumstances. He helped set a high standard at Maggie's for consistent, creative and flexible service to people facing legal, financial and personal crises as well as those in need of AIDS prevention resources.

In his role as educational materials coordinator Andrew was responsible for developing resources and systems which facilitated the participation of staff and volunteers in all phases of production of various highly effective and innovative educational tools. they include the violence prevention ("bad date") databases, information cards and kits; a newsletter; and a book-length series of pamphlets, Trials of the Sex Trade, which decoded Canadian law, and demystified the legal system, for sex workers. He proved adept at teaching people how to use computer and other equipment. His enthusiasm, sensitivity and patience earned him the loyalty and devotion of many volunteers and service-users.

In his capacity as assistant administrator Andrew was a valuable representative of our project to other agencies and community groups. He was adept at producing information, and appearing in media, as well as making presentations at conferences and other public speaking engagements.

We relied heavily on his community-building and leadership skills. He was particularly helpful in clarifying and codifying our structure, job descriptions and personnel policies and procedures. Andrew Sorfleet will be sorely missed by this agency. I can unhesitatingly recommend him for any position requiring the skills that he has demonstrated and can attest to his personal ethics, ability to work with others and willingness to contribute more than what is required of him.

If I can be of any further assistance in this regard please do not hesitate to contact me at home (604) 333-8656.


C. L. Bearchell
Project Administrator,
November 1989 to October 1994

Andy's Resumé... [Rights Groups]

Created: November 11, 1997
Last modified: January 3, 2000

Maggie's Maggie's
Box 82527, 422 Parliament St.
Toronto, ON M5A 4N8
Tel: +1 (416) 964-0150