Location: The Conference Centre, Kingston, Jamaica

Dates: July 16-17, 1998


The Centre for Gender and Development Studies University of the West Indies- Mona, Women's Studies Program University of Colorado-Boulder, Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA), Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos (ILSA).

A sex trade that is increasingly linked to the tourism industry has recently been the subject of concern in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Barbados and Jamaica. Nevertheless, there is little actual information about sex tourism in the Caribbean, and many indications that the exploitation of female sexual labor flourishes in a number of sites unrelated to the tourism industry.

This conference is designed to present the findings from a research project that took place in various Caribbean countries during 1997-1998 on tourism and the sex trade. The main presenters at the conference will be the project researchers. It aims to provide real information about sex tourism and prostitution in the Caribbean and to develop strategies for action with respect to the protection of human rights. It is an attempt to expand and give continuity to discussions and initiatives that are taking place in the region for the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the position of women. It also aims to initiate a search in the Caribbean for solutions to sex tourism.

The conference is open to the public. Researchers, activists, policy makers and sex workers are particularly encouraged to attend.

Conference fee:

US$25-50 before June 15th, US$30 - 75 after June 15th. A waiver of the conference fee is available for sex workers.

Recommended Accommodations:

  1. Christar Villas, rates between US$74 - $137 per night, with cooking facilities. Shared conveniences are half rate. Tel: (876) 978 3933. Reservations should be made directly.

  2. The Wyndham Hotel. Tel: (876) 926 551-7. Fax: (876) 929 7439. Reservations should be made directly with the hotel.

  3. Mary Seacole Residence Hall on the University of the West Indies campus. Rates for international participants US$22 per night, for EC participants US$16, and for local participants JA$200. Shared bathrooms. For this option, please contact the conference coordinator.

Conference coordinator and contact:

Imani Tafari-Ama
Centre for Gender and Development Studies
University of the West-Indies-Mona
Kingston 7, Jamaica, W.I.
Tel: (876) 702 0592
Fax: (876) 927 1913.
Email: itafari@uwimona.edu.jm

Print out this pre-registration form, fill it out and send it with your registration fee.

To send ahead your contact information copy and paste this form into an e-mail. (Drag your cursor over the text to select it). Fill it out and email it to itafari@uwimona.edu.jm. Confirmation will not be secure until payment has been received.

                - PRE-REGISTRATION FORM - 


Mailing Adress:
Postal Code:
Town & Country:


Please pre-register me for (choose 1):

[_]  the 2-day conference with lunch at the Conference 
     Centre on both  days: US$50.

[_]  the 2-day conference: US$25 (lunch not included).

Indicate your preference if you have chosen the lunch option:

[_]  meat          [_]          fish          [_]  vegetarian

[_]  other special diet (please describe:)

Check the appropriate category:

[_]  I have sent an international money order made 
     out to Patricia Mohammed in US$

[_] I have mailed a check, drawn on a US bank, made out 
    to Patricia Mohammed.

Please print this pre-registration form and send it with the enclosed check/money order to:

Imani Tafari-Ama,
Conference Coordinator
Centre for Gender and Development Studies
University of the West-Indies-Mona
Kingston 7, Jamaica, W.I.


After June 15th, the conference fees are US$75 (with lunch) and US$30 (without lunch) and must be paid at the conference site.

[Rights Groups]

Created: May 27, 1998
Last modified: May 28, 1998

NSWP Network of Sex Work Projects
Anti-Slavery International
The Stableyard,
Broomgrove Road
London, SW9 9TZ, UK
Email: CherylOvers@dial.pipex.com