Commercial Sex Information Service CSIS

Tips on reading and printing
documents in Netscape TM

This site displays nicest with Netscape Navigator 3.0. But we also try to ensure that all of our documents are accessible with other browsers including text-only browsers. We aspire to make our pages comfortable to read on screen.

To conserve on-line time, save documents as "source" to open off your hard disk and read later. Be sure to wait until the file is finished downloading before saving it. Remember: no spaces or "/" in the "source" file name and add the suffix ".html". Or you can copy the file name from the URL to name it. Don't forget to save any image files if you want them to display when reading the document off line. To speed up browsing you can turn off "autoload images" under the "options" menu . Be sure to check out some of the images though, to see what you'll be missing!

All of our web documents are designed to look good when printed. (The images look great when printed by a 600 dpi printer.) To save paper and get a very readable and attractive print out, set your "Page Setup ..." under the "File" menu to "2 up."

For larger print, you can set "Page Setup ..." to "1 up" and set "reduce or enlarge" to 80%. Under the "options" button, select "larger print area". Make sure "Print backgrounds" is off.

While in "Page Setup" add page numbers by selecting "page number" under the "middle" "footer:" pop-up menu. You can also add the "title" or "location" under "header:".

Under "Options" in the "Print..." dialogue off the "File" menu, make sure print says "color/grayscale."

We hope you find your tour through this site titillating and informative. Enjoy!

Created: June 27, 1996
Last modified: September 4, 1999

CSIS Commercial Sex Information Service
Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710