Toronto SUN
Tuesday March 20, 1996

George Christopoulos

Male stripper remanded in hooker attack

A male stripper charged in the beating of a prostitute has been remanded into custody until a bail hearing on Friday.

Hassan Steven Jarrar, 23, of North York, appeared in a College Park courtroom yesterday on charges of aggravated sexual assault in an attack on a woman who was found on a road leading to the Leslie St. spit marina last Tuesday.

With his dark curly hair falling across his face, Jarrar gazed at his girlfriend Rosa, 16, as Justice of the Peace Jaqueline Borowick remanded him into custody for a bail hearing.

Police said the 19-year-old victim had been working as a prostitute in the downtown area for about three weeks.

She was found partially clothed and near death on the roadway to the Outer Harbor Marina off Unwin Dr. about 10 hours after she was seen inside a car with a man at Jarvis and Carlton Sts.

Critical shape

The woman is in critical condition at St, Michael's Hospital with severe head injuries.

Police took a man into custody early Monday after an unidentified woman called police after seeing a composite drawing of a suspect.

Outside the College Park courtroom yesterday, Jarrar's father, Omar, 57, said his son was innocent.

"Just because he's here doesn't mean he did anything," he said. "I know my son and he's not that type of person."

Police conducted forensic tests yesterday on a red 1991 Tempo which was seized at the scene.

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Created: November 13, 1996
Last modified: November 18, 1996

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