Toronto 2000
Northern Ink Exposure
Northern Ink Explosure, the Toronto Tattoo Convention, is world reknowned and is attended by top artists from Borneo, Denmark Somoa, Tahiti, South Africa, USA, Canada, Japan, England, Holland and Argentina. It was held the weekend of June 17 and 18 at the Colony Hotel on Chestnut Street (Downtown City Hall). There was also Somoan Fire Dancing performance (Tavaesina) at the Phoenix Concert Theatre on June 15th in conjunction with this event.
Our friend Phillippé Étier, was getting a tattoo at the convention to be entered in the daily Best Tattoo competition. (He won runner-up.) The tattoo artist, Jamie Izumi of Toro Tattoos in Waterloo, is both highly praised and respected. His work is consistently spectacular. Luckily, both Jamie and Phillippé consented to us documenting the creation of Phillippé's new tattoo. Photos by Andy Sorfleet.
Tattoo Care
(Examples of advice)
Remove bandage after 4 - 6 hours.
Wash with hot soapy water.
Pat dry and let air out for about ½ hour.
Apply a VERY THIN layer of Polysporin.
Repeat daily for 4 to 6 days.
After the 4th or 5th day, use a non-alcohol based skin moisturizer to prevent drying.
Tattoo Care
Remove bandage after 20 - 30 hours.
Wash clean with non-perfumed soap (Ivory, Phisoderm).
DO NOT SOAK, moisturize a little, sparingly at first, more when itchy or dry (Dermassage or Lubriderm, etc.).
Avoid exposure to sun for 3 - 6 weeks.
Do not use suntan lotion or sunblock until completely healed.
Soins du Tatouage
Retirer le pansement après 24 H
Rincer à l'eau et savon (genre "Lubex")
Durant 3 jours
Dè le 3ème jours:
Appliquer de la "Bepanthene" lotion, matin et soir.
Ne pas gratter les croûtes.
Ne pas se baigner (piscine).
Ne pas exposer le tattoo au soleil.
Mettre des vètementen coton.