Go Nuts

There's a whole lotta people takin' little pills
To stop feeling like they wanna kill — or be killed.
Or freaking out or thinkin' life's a pain in the ass.
Havin' shrinks try an' fix 'em so that they can pass
For normal —
Even go to something formal —
And not embarrass their families,
And not dance naked in the summer breeze,
Or go nuts.

If you're feelin' scared and shitty and you just can't cope
And your lookin' at the ceiling and your thinkin' 'bout a rope.
You might suppose you need a professional's view.
A script-writin' expert who can tell you what to do.
Yeah, you can see your shrink and get drugs for free,
Or do something creative that your shrink might see
As nuts.

Like take a deep breath and slow way down
Pull your spine up straight and really feel your feet on the ground
Stretch way up till youÕre caressing the sky
Suck the air into your belly and remember why you like swimmin'
Or maybe kissin' on women
And when you find yourself hearin' voices
Listen to them calmly and make rational choices —
I do!
I find there's more than a few.

One: I wanna have fun. Two: I wanna boogie with you.
Three: I wanna be free. Four: wanna unlock the door.
I wanna move my body and make lotsa noise
Wanna eat good food and party down with real bad boys
I wanna talk with people who give a damn
Wanna say what I think, and be what I am
And go nuts.

You can walk or run or scream or cry or hide, or lie down.
Maybe if you're lucky you can get out of town.
You can pulverize a punching bag or paint something mad!
You can listen some tunes you like or clean up your pad.
Myself, I visit a magical place
Where I can howl and laugh and sing and be a total disgrace
And it's okay.
My friends all love me and we play And go nuts.

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Created: June 1, 1999
Last modified: November 9, 2000

LLF Lunatics' Liberation Front
General Delivery
Lasqueti Island, BC
V0R 2J0 Canada
Email: shimbat at gmail.com