Sex Work and Human Rights

Network of Sex Work Projects at European Symposium on Health and the Sex Industry Edinburgh 1994

Systematic violation of the human rights of women who work in the sex industry is global and endemic. In it's most potent form this means imprisonment, torture and murder. At the other end of the scale are the liberal countries where prostitution is tolerated or legalised. But even in those countries sex workers do not have the same rights as other workers.

The persecution of sex workers is inexorably linked with the idea that sexual services should not be sold. Churches, and other conservative institutions, who have always held this view have been joined in recent years by feminists who argue that prostitution should be abolished because it is inherently exploitative. Sex workers are seen as victims who are 'forced' into prostitution either by violent coercion or economic circumstances.

To sustain these ideas involves dismissing the voices of prostitutes, or listening only to those whose experience and perceptions fit the idea that commercial sex is abusive. Conferences, no matter how well intentioned, cannot secure human rights for sex workers. What they can do is ensure that sex workers are heard. It is essential that prostitution issues are programmed in consultation with prostitutes and that prostitutes are heard at the conference.

These principles apply with ease to other groups. It would be unthinkable to hold a conference on racism without black people, or on disability rights without disabled people or on sexual orientation without gay men and lesbians. To organise a conference in such a way would be regarded as a violation of human rights in itself because self determination -- the right to speak for yourself -- is a fundamental human right.

It is a shameful aspect of the modern women's movement that the oppression of prostitutes has effectively been assisted by the exclusion of sex workers from important policy making areas. The sex workers rights movement in developed countries has made some progress in the struggle to be heard and sex workers from developing countries are beginning to speak out also. (A delegation of 10 sex workers from developing countries attended the international AIDS Conference this August and were able for the first time to challenge what was being said about them.)

We are therefore asking for formal support in requesting that the 4th international Conference on Women in September 1995 ensure the following:

  1. That sex work issues are included in the program

  2. That sex workers' organisations in developed and developing countries are consulted about the program

  3. That the conference takes steps to ensure the participation of sex workers by:

    1. providing appropriate resources and,

    2. ensuring that sex workers are able to enter China legally.

The Network of Sex Work Projects is an international NGO which facilitates information sharing between projects working with and for sex workers and advocates for the advancement of the rights of sex workers. Network of Sexwork Projects is supported by: Commission of the European Communities,WHO Regional Office for Europe, Global Programme On AIDS

Conference Reports... [Rights Groups]

Created: June 11, 1997
Last modified: April 5, 1998
NSWP Network of Sex Work Projects
3 Morley Rd. Observatory
7925 Cape Town
Rep. of South Africa