"It's time to get
serious about
human rights"

-- Peter Piot
Executive Director UNAIDS,
at the Opening Ceremony of the
XI International Conference on AIDS

The Network of Sex Work Projects is protesting a presentation on "HIV Prevention among Commercial Sex Workers" by a Burmese health official at the XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver.

In April 1992, there were well corroborated reports (Human Rights Watch/Asia, UPI April 2, 1992) that the Burmese military had executed 22 HIV-positive prostitutes being forcibly repatriated from Thailand. The Network of Sex Work Projects protested this atrocious violation of human rights at the VIII International Conference on AIDS in Amsterdam in 1992.

The NSWP is appalled that Conference organizers could be so naive and negligent as to arrange this presentation, and has asked for a public statement explaining why they were eager to provide a world stage for this military dictatorship.

Walk out of this
session with us!

The NSWP urges you to help us make a statement about the important connection between human rights and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS.

HIV Prevention Among Commercial Sex Workers Using Peer Education and Outreach Strategies, Myanmar

Abstract: Th.D.460

Kywe B., Nyunt Nyunt
AIDS/STD Control
Department of Health

Thursday, July 11
D3, Room 1/2/3, VTCC
3:30 p.m.

reverse... Report on XI Int. Conference on AIDS...

Created: July 31, 1996
Last modified: December 9, 1996

NSWP Network of Sex Work Projects
29-35 Farringdon Road,
London EC1M 3JB, UK
(44) 171-242-4228
Email: CherylOvers@dial.pipex.com