SWAT is an organization controlled by sex workers, including prostitutes, strippers, porn workers, and phone sex workers.
Sex work is valid and valuable work.
Choosing to do sex work is a human right.
All sex work is equally valid, whether it be prostitution, stripping, pornography or phone sex.
Most of the problems people experience in sex work (including exploitation and violence) are not a result of the work itself, but of legal and social systems that disregard our worth and rights. When people do sex work because of a lack of choice, it is the lack of choice that is the problem, not sex work.
SWAT opposes all laws and regulations that criminalize sex work and discriminate against sex workers, and all abuses of the rights of sex workers. SWAT opposes legalization of sex work because it creates a division between legal sex workers and criminal sex workers. All sex work must be decriminalized. SWAT would support any system that regards the rights and worth of all sex workers.
AIDS and STDs are spread by unsafe sex and needle sharing, not by prostitution, and they must be stopped by education, not by stopping prostitution.
SWAT opposes mandatory health checks of prostitutes and quarantine of HIV positive prostitutes because such compulsory measures would drive prostitutes away from the health care system, and would discourage the use of condoms by undermining the safer sex message and by encouraging customers to believe that prostitutes were guaranteed by the government to be free of disease. The end result would be the further spread of AIDS and STDs. SWAT supports all voluntary efforts to stop AIDS.
HIV positive prostitutes who continue to work are not a public health threat as long as they follow the safer sex guidelines established by the Canadian AIDS society. HIV positive prostitutes should not be blamed for their condition but should be treated with compassion, their rights should be respected and every thing possible should be done to ease their suffering and find a cure for AIDS.