The Red Wolf
Canis rufus

The Red Wolf - Smaller than the Grey Wolf, the Red (40-70 lbs.) Wolf is long-legged and slender with large ears. Larger than the coyote, the Red Wolf also has a wider nose pad, larger feet and coarser fur. The red wolf's coat is a mixture of cinnamon, tawny and gray or black in colour, while the back is normally blackish. The muzzle and limbs are tawny and the tail is tipped with black. An annual molt takes place in the summer. (Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia.) PHOTO: Phil Flash, February, 2000.

The Red Wolf – Smaller than the Grey Wolf, the Red Wolf (40-70 lbs.) is long-legged and slender with large ears. Larger than the coyote, the Red Wolf also has a wider nose pad, larger feet and coarser fur. The red wolf's coat is a mixture of cinnamon, tawny and gray or black in colour, while the back is normally blackish. The muzzle and limbs are tawny and the tail is tipped with black. An annual molt takes place in the summer. (Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia.)
PHOTO: Phil Flash, February, 2000.

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Created: March 31, 2002
Last modified: March 31, 2002

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