Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2006
Generated 01-Apr-2006 09:10 PST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2006
Total Hits 1315935
Total Files 1076702
Total Pages 338047
Total Visits 184408
Total KBytes 22653501
Total Unique Sites 109421
Total Unique URLs 7982
Total Unique Referrers 8362
Total Unique User Agents 5029
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1768 3401
Hits per Day 42449 46864
Files per Day 34732 38650
Pages per Day 10904 12785
Visits per Day 5948 6804
KBytes per Day 730758 917296
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 21
Code 200 - OK 1076702
Code 206 - Partial Content 12679
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 5747
Code 304 - Not Modified 142713
Code 400 - Bad Request 52
Code 401 - Unauthorized 28
Code 403 - Forbidden 1190
Code 404 - Not Found 76692
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 73
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 4
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 34

Daily usage for March 2006

Daily Statistics for March 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 37882 2.88% 32052 2.98% 8821 2.61% 5351 2.90% 5360 4.90% 640056 2.83%
2 41907 3.18% 35248 3.27% 10343 3.06% 5340 2.90% 5350 4.89% 722513 3.19%
3 41073 3.12% 34462 3.20% 9640 2.85% 5486 2.97% 5226 4.78% 739917 3.27%
4 38130 2.90% 30566 2.84% 9726 2.88% 5667 3.07% 5804 5.30% 666950 2.94%
5 40189 3.05% 33197 3.08% 10428 3.08% 5594 3.03% 5219 4.77% 644917 2.85%
6 43368 3.30% 35531 3.30% 11338 3.35% 6360 3.45% 5972 5.46% 699511 3.09%
7 44706 3.40% 37040 3.44% 12176 3.60% 5830 3.16% 5883 5.38% 801292 3.54%
8 43751 3.32% 35884 3.33% 10724 3.17% 6239 3.38% 5991 5.48% 724218 3.20%
9 42469 3.23% 35596 3.31% 10315 3.05% 5845 3.17% 5598 5.12% 676557 2.99%
10 42817 3.25% 34770 3.23% 11745 3.47% 6139 3.33% 5422 4.96% 752176 3.32%
11 37209 2.83% 30090 2.79% 9097 2.69% 5744 3.11% 5172 4.73% 592468 2.62%
12 39832 3.03% 31469 2.92% 10364 3.07% 6030 3.27% 5479 5.01% 612890 2.71%
13 40355 3.07% 32445 3.01% 10517 3.11% 6288 3.41% 5599 5.12% 606279 2.68%
14 41894 3.18% 33803 3.14% 10179 3.01% 6202 3.36% 5809 5.31% 683068 3.02%
15 46358 3.52% 38650 3.59% 9740 2.88% 5749 3.12% 5688 5.20% 768274 3.39%
16 43165 3.28% 35096 3.26% 10590 3.13% 6390 3.47% 5941 5.43% 827633 3.65%
17 39307 2.99% 32303 3.00% 10771 3.19% 5799 3.14% 5317 4.86% 709284 3.13%
18 38773 2.95% 31476 2.92% 10409 3.08% 6026 3.27% 5334 4.87% 620307 2.74%
19 43477 3.30% 34301 3.19% 12117 3.58% 6513 3.53% 5518 5.04% 751074 3.32%
20 45110 3.43% 36021 3.35% 12201 3.61% 6804 3.69% 5889 5.38% 728665 3.22%
21 45669 3.47% 36778 3.42% 12637 3.74% 6476 3.51% 5798 5.30% 817080 3.61%
22 45068 3.42% 36849 3.42% 11791 3.49% 6492 3.52% 6089 5.56% 742805 3.28%
23 42747 3.25% 34580 3.21% 11617 3.44% 6244 3.39% 5911 5.40% 757121 3.34%
24 44908 3.41% 36590 3.40% 12352 3.65% 6143 3.33% 5504 5.03% 832430 3.67%
25 44557 3.39% 36245 3.37% 12785 3.78% 6079 3.30% 5382 4.92% 796965 3.52%
26 44482 3.38% 35822 3.33% 11212 3.32% 6185 3.35% 5564 5.08% 917296 4.05%
27 46864 3.56% 37822 3.51% 12325 3.65% 6529 3.54% 6115 5.59% 743015 3.28%
28 45571 3.46% 37358 3.47% 11205 3.31% 6244 3.39% 5774 5.28% 782720 3.46%
29 43083 3.27% 35665 3.31% 10298 3.05% 5503 2.98% 5502 5.03% 758453 3.35%
30 41681 3.17% 35513 3.30% 10997 3.25% 4786 2.60% 4885 4.46% 823351 3.63%
31 39533 3.00% 33480 3.11% 9587 2.84% 4507 2.44% 4709 4.30% 714214 3.15%

Hourly usage for March 2006

Hourly Statistics for March 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1246 38641 2.94% 991 30745 2.86% 358 11110 3.29% 20242 627509 2.77%
1 1239 38412 2.92% 995 30856 2.87% 348 10799 3.19% 18880 585277 2.58%
2 1235 38294 2.91% 992 30754 2.86% 398 12352 3.65% 19008 589239 2.60%
3 1382 42867 3.26% 1082 33572 3.12% 485 15061 4.46% 23359 724116 3.20%
4 1390 43102 3.28% 1104 34244 3.18% 415 12895 3.81% 23439 726615 3.21%
5 1434 44467 3.38% 1174 36422 3.38% 357 11072 3.28% 24777 768092 3.39%
6 1767 54795 4.16% 1443 44749 4.16% 438 13591 4.02% 29884 926398 4.09%
7 1903 59014 4.48% 1580 48996 4.55% 459 14254 4.22% 33468 1037512 4.58%
8 2038 63200 4.80% 1691 52446 4.87% 512 15887 4.70% 35092 1087858 4.80%
9 2135 66205 5.03% 1777 55098 5.12% 507 15724 4.65% 38800 1202794 5.31%
10 2100 65127 4.95% 1749 54243 5.04% 486 15084 4.46% 39072 1211238 5.35%
11 2101 65143 4.95% 1738 53878 5.00% 492 15259 4.51% 40978 1270317 5.61%
12 2172 67354 5.12% 1783 55303 5.14% 507 15730 4.65% 38984 1208493 5.33%
13 2272 70434 5.35% 1893 58706 5.45% 543 16855 4.99% 38405 1190552 5.26%
14 2152 66733 5.07% 1773 54981 5.11% 507 15736 4.65% 34829 1079709 4.77%
15 1980 61405 4.67% 1636 50744 4.71% 492 15260 4.51% 35812 1110184 4.90%
16 1975 61255 4.65% 1613 50030 4.65% 496 15389 4.55% 31835 986899 4.36%
17 1839 57011 4.33% 1497 46436 4.31% 463 14374 4.25% 33805 1047942 4.63%
18 1858 57598 4.38% 1514 46963 4.36% 469 14561 4.31% 33832 1048789 4.63%
19 1892 58654 4.46% 1528 47391 4.40% 478 14840 4.39% 30610 948899 4.19%
20 1828 56673 4.31% 1475 45741 4.25% 495 15347 4.54% 39149 1213633 5.36%
21 1634 50656 3.85% 1361 42192 3.92% 439 13612 4.03% 24985 774526 3.42%
22 1490 46200 3.51% 1220 37831 3.51% 380 11798 3.49% 21607 669805 2.96%
23 1377 42695 3.24% 1109 34381 3.19% 369 11457 3.39% 19907 617105 2.72%

Top 30 of 7982 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5250 0.40% 28843 0.13% /csis/
2 4589 0.35% 23911 0.11% /
3 4487 0.34% 3163372 13.96% /rosebud/cannabisgod.mp3
4 3338 0.25% 2593910 11.45% /explosure/2000pride/lopez-loud.mp3
5 2700 0.21% 386177 1.70% /csis/papers/sdavis.html
6 2637 0.20% 20826 0.09% /csis/mainmenu.html
7 2517 0.19% 8848 0.04% /csis/safesex/
8 2314 0.18% 5892 0.03% /csis/groups/respect.html
9 2131 0.16% 13006 0.06% /ppp/index2.html
10 2024 0.15% 53728 0.24% /csis/groups/
11 2009 0.15% 6909 0.03% /ppp/
12 1963 0.15% 22963 0.10% /csis/news/toronto_99/gandm-990424.html
13 1849 0.14% 8702 0.04% /csis/news/kiddie_porn.html
14 1834 0.14% 9162 0.04% /csis/groups/swav/healthcards/nonox.html
15 1759 0.13% 12248 0.05% /csis/art/toulouse-lautrec.html
16 1757 0.13% 1487 0.01% /rosebud/cannabisgod.html
17 1750 0.13% 1701 0.01% /explosure/2000pride/lopez-loud.html
18 1480 0.11% 13885 0.06% /csis/groups/maggies/safersex.html
19 1394 0.11% 4591 0.02% /members/andy_sorfleet/norman_rockwell/rockwell-01.2.html
20 1346 0.10% 9973 0.04% /csis/groups/swav/
21 1316 0.10% 7457 0.03% /csis/news/usa_2003/nytimes-030928.html
22 1298 0.10% 12957 0.06% /csis/specials.html
23 1271 0.10% 2674 0.01% /left.html
24 1251 0.10% 5799 0.03% /csis/news/montreal_2000/citizen-000703.html
25 1247 0.09% 43813 0.19% /llf/drugs/psychdrugs1.html
26 1241 0.09% 5903 0.03% /csis/groups/swav/swav.html
27 1240 0.09% 924 0.00% /csis/groups/nswp/
28 1228 0.09% 11341 0.05% /csis/news/malenews.html
29 1191 0.09% 6489 0.03% /csis/groups/coyote.html
30 1159 0.09% 13829 0.06% /csis/news/vancouver_97/westend-970731.html
View All URLs

Top 10 of 7982 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 4487 0.34% 3163372 13.96% /rosebud/cannabisgod.mp3
2 3338 0.25% 2593910 11.45% /explosure/2000pride/lopez-loud.mp3
3 755 0.06% 803267 3.55% /rosebud/dopedeal.mp3
4 458 0.03% 412182 1.82% /trailboys/trailblazing/hotbot.pdf
5 813 0.06% 386803 1.71% /trailboys/trailblazing/privpart.pdf
6 2700 0.21% 386177 1.70% /csis/papers/sdavis.html
7 346 0.03% 312093 1.38% /rosebud/gothigh-2.mp3
8 1152 0.09% 302121 1.33% /csis/papers/redefining.html
9 221 0.02% 300109 1.32% /explosure/organza/itsnotright.mp3
10 42 0.00% 294616 1.30% /members/dan_allman/COMMUNITY.PDF

Top 10 of 3621 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5250 0.40% 3338 1.90% /csis/
2 2700 0.21% 1948 1.11% /csis/papers/sdavis.html
3 2314 0.18% 1884 1.07% /csis/groups/respect.html
4 4589 0.35% 1823 1.04% /
5 1963 0.15% 1799 1.02% /csis/news/toronto_99/gandm-990424.html
6 1834 0.14% 1603 0.91% /csis/groups/swav/healthcards/nonox.html
7 1849 0.14% 1567 0.89% /csis/news/kiddie_porn.html
8 1759 0.13% 1539 0.88% /csis/art/toulouse-lautrec.html
9 1757 0.13% 1433 0.82% /rosebud/cannabisgod.html
10 2009 0.15% 1362 0.78% /ppp/

Top 10 of 3655 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5250 0.40% 2341 1.31% /csis/
2 2700 0.21% 1916 1.07% /csis/papers/sdavis.html
3 2314 0.18% 1794 1.00% /csis/groups/respect.html
4 1963 0.15% 1788 1.00% /csis/news/toronto_99/gandm-990424.html
5 2131 0.16% 1643 0.92% /ppp/index2.html
6 1759 0.13% 1544 0.86% /csis/art/toulouse-lautrec.html
7 4589 0.35% 1442 0.81% /
8 2517 0.19% 1434 0.80% /csis/safesex/
9 1757 0.13% 1379 0.77% /rosebud/cannabisgod.html
10 2024 0.15% 1288 0.72% /csis/groups/

Top 30 of 109421 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 23040 1.75% 15544 1.44% 222155 0.98% 236 0.13%
2 5994 0.46% 3699 0.34% 182111 0.80% 119 0.06%
3 5755 0.44% 4969 0.46% 369357 1.63% 60 0.03%
4 5231 0.40% 4710 0.44% 37257 0.16% 41 0.02%
5 4639 0.35% 2729 0.25% 234977 1.04% 86 0.05%
6 3140 0.24% 2868 0.27% 41042 0.18% 280 0.15%
7 2849 0.22% 2378 0.22% 21573 0.10% 22 0.01%
8 2621 0.20% 2363 0.22% 67929 0.30% 2 0.00%
9 2581 0.20% 15 0.00% 1276 0.01% 2 0.00%
10 2475 0.19% 2253 0.21% 29497 0.13% 83 0.05%
11 2443 0.19% 2093 0.19% 111 0.00% 19 0.01%
12 2392 0.18% 852 0.08% 56461 0.25% 171 0.09%
13 1742 0.13% 1513 0.14% 19488 0.09% 126 0.07%
14 1558 0.12% 1392 0.13% 13901 0.06% 1 0.00%
15 1501 0.11% 1444 0.13% 32142 0.14% 3 0.00%
16 1482 0.11% 875 0.08% 92750 0.41% 54 0.03%
17 1345 0.10% 1345 0.12% 12810 0.06% 362 0.20%
18 1305 0.10% 1287 0.12% 11707 0.05% 85 0.05%
19 1304 0.10% 1281 0.12% 12950 0.06% 345 0.19%
20 1238 0.09% 1051 0.10% 2696 0.01% 63 0.03%
21 1174 0.09% 1138 0.11% 11256 0.05% 198 0.11%
22 1164 0.09% 714 0.07% 89602 0.40% 53 0.03%
23 1139 0.09% 993 0.09% 18742 0.08% 100 0.05%
24 1066 0.08% 826 0.08% 16180 0.07% 1 0.00%
25 1001 0.08% 938 0.09% 17770 0.08% 1 0.00%
26 980 0.07% 353 0.03% 2869 0.01% 17 0.01%
27 960 0.07% 503 0.05% 7216 0.03% 169 0.09%
28 945 0.07% 815 0.08% 8529 0.04% 93 0.05%
29 928 0.07% 841 0.08% 9721 0.04% 102 0.06%
30 856 0.07% 814 0.08% 13416 0.06% 77 0.04%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 109421 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 5755 0.44% 4969 0.46% 369357 1.63% 60 0.03%
2 4639 0.35% 2729 0.25% 234977 1.04% 86 0.05%
3 23040 1.75% 15544 1.44% 222155 0.98% 236 0.13%
4 5994 0.46% 3699 0.34% 182111 0.80% 119 0.06%
5 154 0.01% 154 0.01% 104868 0.46% 14 0.01%
6 1482 0.11% 875 0.08% 92750 0.41% 54 0.03%
7 1164 0.09% 714 0.07% 89602 0.40% 53 0.03%
8 78 0.01% 70 0.01% 86107 0.38% 1 0.00%
9 2621 0.20% 2363 0.22% 67929 0.30% 2 0.00%
10 91 0.01% 87 0.01% 56794 0.25% 2 0.00%

Top 30 of 8362 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 290321 22.06% - (Direct Request)
2 35927 2.73%
3 26008 1.98%
4 22064 1.68%
5 14962 1.14%
6 13982 1.06%
7 13781 1.05%
8 13468 1.02%
9 12319 0.94%
10 11896 0.90%
11 11741 0.89%
12 10859 0.83%
13 10682 0.81%
14 10519 0.80%
15 10232 0.78%
16 10108 0.77%
17 9819 0.75%
18 9467 0.72%
19 9398 0.71%
20 9389 0.71%
21 9053 0.69%
22 8529 0.65%
23 8474 0.64%
24 6954 0.53%
25 6833 0.52%
26 6691 0.51%
27 6316 0.48%
28 6302 0.48%
29 5977 0.45%
30 5837 0.44%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 20778 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1326 2.81% sex
2 909 1.93% sex tips
3 724 1.53% respect
4 599 1.27% child porno
5 582 1.23% nina hartley
6 486 1.03% prostitutes
7 347 0.74% nonoxynol-9
8 339 0.72% what if god smoked cannabis
9 289 0.61% norman rockwell
10 268 0.57% asian sex
11 260 0.55% party sex
12 259 0.55% safe sex
13 237 0.50% nonoxynol 9
14 222 0.47% putes
15 210 0.44% phil flash
16 201 0.43% sex trade
17 189 0.40% cogentin
18 181 0.38% move sex
19 170 0.36% children sex
20 167 0.35% gang members
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 5029 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 303826 23.09% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
2 190275 14.46% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
3 75122 5.71% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
4 60532 4.60% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
5 52926 4.02% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G
6 35610 2.71% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
7 25320 1.92% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; FunWe
8 22647 1.72% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
9 21960 1.67% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Ge
10 19651 1.49% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
11 16759 1.27% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1
12 15883 1.21% msnbot/1.0 (+
13 14169 1.08% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
14 14156 1.08% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 9.0; Windows NT 5.1; S
15 13527 1.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/417.
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for March 2006

Top 30 of 147 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 412499 31.35% 362146 33.63% 7659426 33.81% Network
2 349789 26.58% 241360 22.42% 5990504 26.44% US Commercial
3 229137 17.41% 200535 18.62% 3365744 14.86% Unresolved/Unknown
4 64398 4.89% 54597 5.07% 949798 4.19% Canada
5 29219 2.22% 26234 2.44% 486166 2.15% France
6 22106 1.68% 19299 1.79% 342695 1.51% US Educational
7 20390 1.55% 18190 1.69% 391458 1.73% United Kingdom
8 15560 1.18% 13922 1.29% 280114 1.24% Australia
9 12536 0.95% 11413 1.06% 264889 1.17% Netherlands
10 11337 0.86% 9818 0.91% 75177 0.33% Turkey
11 10488 0.80% 9619 0.89% 305092 1.35% Germany
12 8959 0.68% 8346 0.78% 134005 0.59% Finland
13 8732 0.66% 7656 0.71% 136697 0.60% Italy
14 7920 0.60% 7150 0.66% 247092 1.09% Belgium
15 7811 0.59% 7044 0.65% 149923 0.66% Poland
16 7344 0.56% 6275 0.58% 113179 0.50% Japan
17 6108 0.46% 5342 0.50% 106203 0.47% Mexico
18 5535 0.42% 4746 0.44% 124219 0.55% Non-Profit Organization
19 5208 0.40% 3438 0.32% 126953 0.56% Singapore
20 4834 0.37% 4624 0.43% 61005 0.27% Saudi Arabia
21 4604 0.35% 4114 0.38% 29230 0.13% Morocco
22 4495 0.34% 4162 0.39% 59872 0.26% Switzerland
23 4354 0.33% 3834 0.36% 96300 0.43% Brazil
24 3892 0.30% 3595 0.33% 60385 0.27% Malaysia
25 3752 0.29% 3445 0.32% 42676 0.19% United States
26 3538 0.27% 3150 0.29% 64673 0.29% Sweden
27 3285 0.25% 2882 0.27% 29313 0.13% India
28 2282 0.17% 2029 0.19% 36115 0.16% Norway
29 2208 0.17% 2066 0.19% 64285 0.28% Denmark
30 2184 0.17% 1916 0.18% 50046 0.22% Thailand

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01