CUP Aims & Objectives
The name says it all, doesn't it?
Our organization is aimed at helping prostitutes get it together to identify common concerns and make their voices heard. Anyone committed to promoting sex-worker solidarity can join.
Become a CUP member!
Send us your name, a way to contact you, a short description of your reasons for wanting to join and a list of skills or services you would like to volunteer. You can send your application either by email or by post to the CUP addresses listed below.
Box 3075, Main Post Office
Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
phone: 604.488.0710
CUP Member Services
CUP offers the following resources for potential members
- CUP Reference Library Reference and reading materials about sex work you just can't find anywhere else. Information about Canadian laws, labour organizing, and human rights that everyone including sex workers are entitled to by law.
- CUP In the Media Letters to Editors in response to press coverage about sex workers and prostitution, and on-line archive of Vancouver news clippings.
- CUP Projects & Initiatives Some of CUP's attempts at outreach and member recruiting.