General Delivery
Lasqueti Island, BC
V0R 2J0 Canada

Employment History

  • Secretary
    Wildwood Works
    Lasqueti Island, BC V0R 2J0
    Responsible for clerical and secretarial tasks related to the running of the company's office, including: processing orders and invoices; book keeping, payroll and bank reconciliations; correspondence and responding to customer inquiries.
  • Project Administrator
    Maggie's, The Toronto Prostitutes' Community Service Project
    298 Gerrard Street East, 2nd floor, Toronto, ON
    March 1992 - November 1994
    Responsible for co-ordinating a staff of seven, administering an annual budget of $400,000, fund raising, materials development, documenting and reporting on project progress to directors and funders, monitoring and overseeing daily operations of office, resource centre and outreach program.
  • STD-Prevention Project Co-ordinator
    Inner City Youth Project, Huntley Youth Services
    Gerrard Street East, Toronto, ON
    March 1988 - October 1990
    Responsible for developing, testing, producing, distributing and evaluating written and audio-visual STD-prevention educational materials for and with street youth; fund raising; liaising with public health and other STD-prevention projects; supervising junior staff and volunteers.
  • Editorial Co-ordinator
    Lambda Resources
    Toronto, ON
    January 1987 - November 1987
    Responsible for content and editing for Epicene, a national lesbian and gay news magazine.
  • Lobbyist and Researcher
    Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario (CLGRO)
    Toronto, ON
    December 1985 - December 1986
    Worked for the campaign to amend the Ontario Human Rights Code to forbid discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, including researching, writing and producing the brief, The Ontario Human Rights Omission.
  • News Editor, Staffing Co-ordinator
    Pink Triangle Press
    Toronto, ON
    May 1980 - June 1984
    Various positions including: news editor for The Body Politic (TBP); staffing co-ordinator for a team of 60-plus volunteers, advertising manager, co-ordinator of Pink Type (typesetting services).

Writing & Community Organizing

Articles by Chris Bearchell have appeared in:

Diva, Parallelogramme, Censoria Censorium, Maggie's 'Zine, Toronto Star, Stiletto, This Magazine, Xtra, Lickerish, Rough Trade/Rough Play, NOW Magazine, Fireweed, Fuse, Broadside, Resources for Feminist Research and The Body Politic.

Chris Bearchell was a founding member of:

Alberta Women for Abortion Law Repeal (1971), Committee to Defend Henry Morgenthaler (1972), Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario (1975), Committee to Defend John Damien (1975), Lesbian Organization of Toronto (1976), Gay Offensive Collective (1977), board of directors of TBP Free the Press Foundation (1978), Canadian Organization for the Rights of Prostitutes (1983), Canadian Committee Against Customs Censorship (1985), board of directors of Toronto Prostitutes Community Service Project (1986), AIDS Action Now! (1987), board of directors of Community AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (1991).

cb's writing… [Chris Bearchell] [the Walnuts]

Created: February 20, 1999
Last modified: March 18, 2007
Walnet Chris Bearchell @ WALNET
PO Box 3075
Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Email: info@walnet.org