Commercial Sex Information Service CSIS

Listing last updated: February 9, 2001

Books About Male Sex Work

About Male Sexworkers

  • The Venice Letters. (Frederick William Rolfe) Baron Corvo. London: Cecil & Amelia Woolf, 1974.
    Self-styled Baron, Rolfe was at this time obsessed with adolescent boys. It is obvious that Masson Fox was also strongly attracted to boys. 'That homosexual underworld,' of which A.J.A. Symons tells us that Rolfe 'stood self-revealed as patron,' was in fact a little circle of three or four young, ragged lads ('simple little devils,' Rolfe calls them) in their late 'teens, with whom he was on terms of intimate friendship. Besides these he refers in passing to half-a-dozen others. He delighted in picking their brains and listening to their tales. Symons also claims that Rolfe had become 'a habitual corrupter of youth' and 'a seducer of innocence,' but the letters reveal that all three youths were practised initiates long before Rolfe set foot in Venice and so were neither innocent nor chaste. But they were genuinely fond of Rolfe and eager to meet a friend who shared their tastes. (c. 1909). [from Introduction, p. 11]
  • A Consumer's Guide to Male Hustlers. Joseph Itiel. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1998.
    A Consumer's Guide to Male Hustlers gives you exciting insight into all you ever wanted to know about hustlers, but were too embarrassed to ask. You'll find answers to questions such as where and how to find hustlers, how much to pay them, and how to make it an experience that is satifying to both parties.

    Author Joseph Itiel shares with readers his personal experiences and observations, describing his dealings with hustlers, over a period of about 35 years, in many different countries. Throughout the book, Itiel narrates personal anecdotes, lending an intimate dimension to his general observations. The author hopes that by reading this book, you will come to understand that the hustler experience -- meeting with hustlers regularly -- can be mutually exciting and satisfying for both parties. [Back jacket]

  • Lady Boys, Tom Boys, Rent Boys: Male and female homosexualities in contemporary Thailand. Peter A. Jackson, Gerard Sullivan (eds.). New York: Harrington Park Press, 1999.
  • Lila's House: Male prostitution in Latin America. Jacobo Schifter. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1998.
  • Hustlers, Escorts & Pornstars: The insider's guide to male prostitution in America. Matt Adams. Copyright 1999 Matt Adams.
    Hustlers, Escorts and Porn Stars is the first book that comprehensively describes the male prostitution market. This 300-page book is written for anyone that desires a complete understanding of the sex industry in the United States.

    Matt Adams has extensively observed the male prostitution market for over 20 years. This book is based on thousands of conversations and interviews with male prostitutes, clients, and individuals assocated with the male adult sex industry. Matt Adams is a graduate of the University of Chicago, and has a master's degree from DePaul University of Chicago.

    Hustlers, Escorts and Porn Stars has a wide appeal for individuals with an interest in the male prostitution market. The book is informative and easy to read. This book deals extensively with issues of sexuality, why individuals become male prostitutes, and why clients use male prostitutes. Hustlers, Escorts and Porn Stars demystifies the male prostitution market in the United States.

    For the first time, this book exposes the inner workings of the male prostitution market. This book provides an inside glimpse into the business practices of male prostitutes and how clients find male prostitutes. This book is the reference manual for anyone that studies male prostitution in the United States. [Back jacket]

  • Male Order: Life Stories from Boys Who Sell Sex, Barbara Gibson. London: Cassell, 1995.
  • Wonder Bread and Ecstasy: The Fast Life and Slow Death of Joey Stefano, Charles Isherwood. Alyson Publications, 1997.
  • Berlin. Stan Persky. 1995?
  • Not Angels But Angels, a film by Wiktor Grodecki, produced by Miro Vostiar. Czech with English subtitles. Unrated, 1994 (80 minutes) Water Bearer Films Inc.
    "Welcome to Prague the city of many angels. Not Angels But Angels is a documentary about boy prostitution in Prague. The economic boom and the recently won political freedom have turned that beautiful, greaceful city into a new mecca for both Eastern and Western tourists in search of sex. Young men trying to live up to the standards of Western consumerism readily fall prey to quick easy money from hustling.

    The young husters' disarming frankness and need to talk become the compelling engine that drives this film. They withhold nothing. Rather they speak of their lives in often gruesome and stripped-bare details, leaving us chilled by their short and fragile lives in the grasp of the oldest trade on earth."

    The film uses a lot of the old cliches. Dramatic shadowy lighting, dramatic musical scores and the same old questions. Sometimes it is evident that the boys being interviewed feel like the interviewer is prying a bit too hard. The boys however are wonderful. They are mature and thoughtful, romantic yet full of common sense. Most of the boys are around 17-18 years old. There one or two as young as 14. [Back jacket]

  • Understanding the Male Hustler. Sam Steward, New York: Harrington Park Press, 1991.
  • This Idle Trade: The Occupational Patterns of Male Prostitution. Livy A. Visano, Concord, Ontario: Vitsano Books, 1987.
  • Male Prostitution. Donald West, New York: Harrington Park Press, 1993.
  • Boys for Sale: A Study of the Prostitution of Young Boys for Sexual Purposes. Dennis Drew and Jonathon Drake. New York: Brown Book Co., 1969.
    Now, for the first time, two devoted scholars have gathered together the whole amazing story of Boy Prostitutes in almost every country in the world.

    Unknown to the general public, there is a thriving trade in the lithe slim bodies of young boys for the sexual satisfaction of adult males, not only in Arabia, the Middle East, and North Africa, where it has been endemic for thousands of years, but also right here in the United States, and in Europe.

    This vital and fascinating book tells the whole story, with no holds barred, of this scandalous traffic in nubile young boys, ranging in age from five to fifteen, who are openly sold for the sexual enjoyment of sensual pedophiles, men from 18 to 80, who take unbelievable liberties with these undeveloped, but often extremely erotic, boys.

    With the help of actual case histories from all over the world, the authors succeed in drawing for us all an accurate picture of the sexual usage of young boys in today's civilization. This is a book that is essential for all students of wide-ranging sexuality, and for all those concerned with the welfare of the young in the world we live in. [Jacket]

  • The Boston Sex Scandal. Mitzel. Boston: Glad Day Books, 1980.

  • Sometimes God has a Kid's Face: The story of America's exploited street kids. Bruce Ritter. Covenant House, 1988.

  • Les Enfants de la Prostitution, Michel Dorais et Denis Menard, VLB Editeur, Montreal, 1987. (I believe this has stuff about boys and girls.)

    Gigolos and Madames Bountiful: Illusions of Gender Power and Intimacy" by Adie Nelson and Barrie W. Robinson" University of Toronto Press, 1994.

  • Sorry I Asked: Intimate Interviews with Gay Porn's Rank and File. Dave Kinnick, New York: Masqurade Books, 1993.

  • For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America. Robin Lloyd, New York: Ballantine Books, 1976.
    The Shattering -- and true -- story of America's teenage midnight cowboys "An alarming picture... frightening in its accuracy."

    The Facts

    • perhaps half of the million runaway boys in this country (aged 10 to 16) are peddling their bodies to "chicken hawks" — older men who lust for "chickens."
    • Boy prostitutes in Times Square outnumber female hookers five to one.
    • Tightly run organizations use boy prostitutes to service movie stars, prominent athletes, politicians and some heads of government.
    • Teenage suicide has tripled in the last ten years and now runs at a rate of thirty a day.

    An award-winning journalist confronts the country's fastest-growing shame! [Back jacket]

Books By Male Sex Workers

  • Suburban Hustler: Stories of a Hi-Tech Callboy. Aaron Lawrence. Warren NJ: Late Night Press, 1999.
    Computers, Sex and Money: Building blocks in the sexually-charged lifestyle of hi-tech callboy Aaron Lawrence. As one of the first to hustle on the Internet in the age of online prostitution, he has built a life for himself as a male escort in a surprisingly ethical and businesslike manner. In Suburban Hustler, Aaron relives the best and worst of his experiences in the sex industry. An erotic encounter with the law, a nineteen year-old straight by, an assault at the hands of a pro-hockey player, and twenty-one other short stories give us a glimpse into the world's oldest profession gone hi-tech. [Back jacket]
  • Assuming the Position: A memoir of hustling. Rick Whitaker. New York/London: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1999.
    Only one year after his last trick, Rick Whitaker divulges the very personal and complex reasons that drove him to prostitute himself. He reflects on what it cost him to live a life of half-truths and emotional lies, a life of sex and drug dependence, depression and near life-threatening dispair.

    Not unlike many young New York-bound writers, Rick Whitaker arrived at the Port Authority by bus from the Midwest with only a few dollars. He hadn't anticipated the turn his life would take, but he ventured forth willingly, entering into prostitution -- first on his own, then through escort agencies -- for the money, or so he told himself, and to spite a lover who had left him.

    Whitaker takes hustling out of the realm of cop shows and tabloid tell-alls. He looks at his life straight on, with an unsentimental and unsparing eye for detail, from his unconventional upbringing to specifics about paid encounters with men. Whitaker brings prostitution into everyday settings: at the doctor's office, in a wealthy Upper East Side gentlemen's penthouse, at a lonely lawyer's apartment in Brooklyn.

    Although Whitaker doesn't fit our comfortable stereotype of a prostitute, he found himself at a point in his life when hustling made sense. Now, with the distance of time, he delivers a story both compelling and repelling, a chronicle of his slow descent into prostitution and drug addiction and his real-life resolution. [Inside jacket]

  • Autopornography: A Memoir of Life in the Lust Lane. Scott O'Hara. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1997.
    Scott O'Hara is one of the few figures able to come out of porn with an articulate, honest take on it. After so many important writings on the culture and politics of sex, his notoriety as a writer/editor has eclipsed his porno career, and Autopornography sets the stage for O'Hara's role as an important writer and sex advocate. O'Hara does tell all on the mid- to late-'80s porn industry, but this is only one section, 'The Good Parts.' I like the background, the childhood, the bookworm. It is intriguing that O'Hara wasn't a poor young male who had no options but to perform sexually for money. He happened to be intelligent and self-sufficient. His world still revolves and evolves around his sexual experimentation.

    Autopornography is also about O'Hara's life before AIDS, life with AIDS, surviving lymphoma. Not throwing a socially acceptable blanket over the issue, O'Hara dares to tell his truth -- many people with HIV's truth -- that he's not abstaining from sex, and furthermore, with consenting, mostly HIV-positive adults.

    While much of Scott O'Hara's life story is outlandish, either in content or concept, he tells it in a relatively low-key tone. He is also fearless about investigating a few of his innermost dark thoughts, or unpleasant realities, and serving them up undiluted. There is no cry for acceptance, no whitewashing of the facts, in Autopornography. I have to agree with O'Hara, that most of us have an inherent need for pornography.

  • Hustling: A Gentleman's Guide to the Fine Art of Homosexual Prostitution. John Preston. New York: Masqurade Books, 1994.

  • The Sexual Outlaw. John Rechy, New York: Grove Press, 1977.
  • City of Night. John Rechy, New York: Grove Press, 1963.
  • The Boys of Vaseline Alley: True Homosexual Experiences. Robert N. Boyd. San Francisco: Leyland Publications, 1994.
  • Enchanted Boy, Richie McMullen. GMP Publishers, London, 1989; Alyson Publications Inc. Boston. ISBN 0-85449-098-1
    Enchanted Boy is the tale of a survivor. In his 'journey through abuse to prostitution,' Richie McMullen tells the story of his childhood, growing up in working-class Liverpool in the early postwar years. His account is often harrowing, yet he looks back with a maturity and insight that understands the brutality he experienced at home as the product of a brutal world. And even here, childhood has its irrepressible magic, in a world of street gangs, school, and first fragile friendships. As with so many young victims of abuse, prostitution provided Richie with an early escape route from his family. But more fortunate than most, his journey continued — he become a professional youth worker and specialist counsellor to disturbed adolescents, founding the Streetwise project for rent boys in 1985. [Back jacket]

Fiction With Male Sex Work

  • A Matter of Life and Sex: A Novel. Oscar Moore. Plume, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc. 1993.
    This stunningly erotic and scathing honest first novel charts the course of one young man's journey into the soul and sex of gay life. Hugo Harvey, product of London's middle-class suburbs, loses his virginity at fourteen in a public restroom, and from then on his life becomes a continuous pursuit of sex. Moore reveals the hypocrisy of Hugo's upbringing whle exposing an underworld of hidden glances and coded looks, where desperate men long for sexual fulfillment. Hugo's formative years in a British boy's school… his sexual initiation through a glory hole in a lavatory wall… his "other life" as the insatiable party boy… his getting dumped by his first real lover... his turning to drugs for comfort and hustling for financial security… all are episodes in the life of a torn young man, living a public lie and increasingly obsessed with a private world of forbidden pleasure. Brilliantly written, both beautifully erotic and brutally graphic, A Matter of Life and Sex has all the raw immediacy of Joe Orton's diaries. Through the life of Hugo Harvey, this explosive novel makes incarnate the many conflicts of gay life — the family that one both loves and hates; the lure of anonymous, promiscuous, "unsafe" sex; and the rare love relationships that are finally all that matter — as it uncovers some of the coldest, most frightening territory that late-twentieth-century gay life has to offer. [back jacket]
  • Our Lady of the Flowers. Jean Genet, translated by Bernard Frechtman, introduction by Jean-Paul Sartre. 1963 Grove Press, Inc.
    "A beautiful book… The actual social world of criminals and homosexuals, male whores and pimps." New York Review of Books.
  • Flight From Nevèrÿon. Samuel R. Delaney, Bantam Books Inc. ©1985 New York.
    Appendix A: Samuel Delaney recounts his conversations with fictionalized junkie hustlers in New York City during the early days of the AIDS epidemic. (Numerous references.)
  • Johns. 94 minutes. CFP Video First Look Pictures in association with Bandera Entertainment a Flynn/Simchowitz production of a Scott Silver film. Exclusively distributed in Canada by CFP Video 2 Bloor Street West Suite 1901, Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2 ©1997.
    "Midnight Cowboy for the '90s." – Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times
    "Johns is a dark comedy drama starring Lukas Haas as Donner and David Arquette as John, two hustlers working the dirty sun-scorched pavement of Hollywood's Santa Monica Boulevard. On John's birthday, he wakes up to discover that someone has made off with his money and his lucky sneakers. Determined to fulfill his dream of spending one night in a luxury hotel, all he needs to do is turn tricks to come up with $300. Donner, who is new to the streets, considers John to be his best friend and commits himself to helping him fulfill his birthday wish. The film takes them through the course of a single day on the streets: hustling for money and love, hoping for a little decency.
  • Big Business. Cameron Case, Man 2 Man adult fiction, © 1998 Headline Book Publishing A division of Hodder Headline PLC, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH. Cover photograph © Akehurst Bureau.
    Hard Times in the City
    As a rule, having sex with the boss is a smart career move but not in stockbroker Mark Lawrence's case. Suddenly, after a hot session with his director, Steve Watson, Mark finds himself clearing his desk. In the City, either you're in or you're out and now Mark has lost his job his life goes into freefall. In his new situation his trading experience is of no value and he's forced to exploit his other assets. Like his boyish good looks and his muscular body. And his newfound desire to push his dark sexuality to the very limit.
  • The Hanging Garden. Thom Fitzgerald, 1997. 91 minutes.
    Cineplex Odeon Films Canada presents a Triptych Media/Galafilm/Emotion Pictures Production starring Chris Leavins, Troy Veinotte, Kerry Fox, Sarah Polley, Seana McKenna, Peter MacNeill, Joan Orenstein, Christine Dunsworth, Joel S. Keller, Jocelyn Cunningham, Martha Irving, Heather Rankin, Ashley MacIsaac, Dreux Ellis, Gilles Bélanger, Mark Hammond, Louise Garfield.

    Made with assistance from Telefilm Canada, The Harold Greenberg Fund, Channel 4, Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation, Nova Scotia Film Industry Tax Credit, Gouvernment du Québec © 1998. Cineplex Odeon Corporation distributed exclusively by Universal Studios Home Video Canada 2450 Victoria Park Ave. Willowdale, Ontario M2J 4A2

    Winner Best Canadian Film and Most Popular Film, Toronto International Film Festival, 1997.

    "It's hard to go home… ten years after your death." [Jacket]
    The Hanging Garden is the provocative and darkly comic story of a young man's return after a ten-year absence, to his childhood home in rural Nova Scotia. Arriving on the day of his sister's wedding, he struggles to reclaim his place on the family tree and finally bury the ghosts of his past. Set to a rich celtic sountrack featuring Leahy, The Rankin Family, Holly Cole and many others, this critically acclaimed, award-winning movie has enchanted audiences from coast to coast. The Hanging Garden is certainly one of the year's most remarkable films!

  • My Brother, the Hustler. Phil Andros. Gay Parisian Press, U.S. 1970.
    Adults Only. Fiction.
  • $tud. Phil Andros. Boston: Alyson Publications Inc., 1966.
    Just after dark on a busy street he would stand there in his tight jeans and the cars would slow down a little as they cruised by… These are the Phil Andros stories, classics from the sixties about a college-educated hustler who pursues every form of sex, including affection, without apology.

    The Author: Samuel M. Steward, the real name of author/narrator Phil Andros has had a career as lively and varied as his character: first as a professor of English, then as a tattoo artist, now as a prominent gay writer. He began writing the $tud stories while on the train to a tattoo parlor in Milwaukee. [Back jacket]

  • Pretty man: No one could admire him more than himself! J. X. Williams. Sundown Readers, 1966.
  • One Out of Four. Donald Martin, Toronto: Coach House Press, 1986.
  • The Hustler, John Henry Mackay, translated by Hubert Kennedy. Boston: Alyson Publications Inc., 1985.
    Gunther is fifteen when he arrives alone in the Berlin of the 1920s. Soon he discovers the boys of Friedrich Street, and the men who stroll by and speak with them. In the notorious Passage, he is spotted by Hermann Graff, a sensitive and naive young man who becomes hopelessly enamored with Gunther. But love does not fit neatly into Gunther's new life as a hustler....

    Gunther's story was first published in 1926, in Germany. One reviewer wrote at that time that the novel "belongs to the few books of literature on 'our subject' that may raise claim to art." Today it will be welcomed both as a poignant love story, and as a colorful portrayal of the gay subculture that thrived in Berlin during the 1920s.

    John Henry Mackay was a Scottish-born anarchist who wrote his stories of homosexual love under the pseudonym of Sagitta. This is the first English translation of any of Sagitta's works. [Back jacket]

  • Streetboy Dreams. Kevin Esser. New York: The Sea Horse Press/Calamus Books, 1983.
    Streetboy Dreams is the story of 35-year-old Peter, a school teacher in a Midwestern city, whose empty emotional life is suddenly filled when he meets Gito, a Hispanic streetboy peddling candy in a bar, and thus begins one of the most touching, confounding, and unusual love affairs in literature.

    Autobiographical in form, Esser's novel conveys fears and self-disgust as well as his growing lust for Gito. Without polemics or politics, the author seduces the reader into the fragile relationship, filled with vulnerabilities and manipulations. We see Gito and his friends as Peter does — not merely a child, but a fully formed individual wise beyond his years, yet not wise enough to control his own budding sexuality. We follow Peter into a boy's ghetto world, into impoverished Mexican cities, through infatuation and sensuality and into self-knowledge and love. [Back jacket]

  • Eclipse. written and directed by Jeremy Podeswa, Firedog Films and Time Medievertriebs GMBH presentation Produced with the participation of Telefilm Canada, Ontario Film Development Corporation, the National Film Board of Canada, PAFPS Program, Canada Council. Distributed exclusively in Canada by Malofilm Distribution Inc.
    In Eclipse, sex circulates like a good rumour. It's the week before a total solar eclipse will plunge the city into darkness and nature's madness is taking its toll. As the countdown continues, ten people come together in love, desire and need creating a circle of lust and regret, though the pattern is unknown to it's participants. Everyone is looking for intimacy, to be seduced or to seduce. This sexual carousel features a refreshing jumble of witty and intimate encounters, all of it set against a background of increasing public delerium. There's something primeval about an eclipse, and this one brings out the most fundamental desires and needs in everyone it touches. [Back jacket.]

Research On Male Sex Workers

  • M is for Mutual, A is for Acts: Male Sex Work and AIDS in Canada. Dan Allman. Co-published by Health Canada; AIDS Vancouver; the HIV Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto;and the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver © 1999.
    M is for Mutual, A is for Acts reviews twenty-five years of Canadian research on prostitutes, their clients, street youth, and injection drug users and discovers data that challenge misconceptions about men who sell sex and the spread of AIDS.

    In this book Dan Allman looks at how Canadian social theory has approached male sex work and how Canadian researchers have defined and measured HIV risks for male sex workers in the past. Allman offers a fresh approach for conducting research in the field of AIDS prevention and health care access for male sex workers. M is for Mutual, A is for Acts reveals the social, economic and political conditions that impede Canadian sex work advocacy and AIDS education and offers an analysis of the legal and judicial environments.

    Co-published by Health Canada; AIDS Vancouver; the HIV Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto; and the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver; M is for Mutual, A is for Acts has been produced to assist sex workers, researchers, service providers and policy makers who are concerned about the sexual health of men who sell sex in Canada.

    Funded by Health Canada through the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS.

  • A pour Actes, M pour Mutuels: Le travail du sexe au masculin et le sida au Canada. Dan Allman. Publié conjointement par Santé Canada, Aids Vancouver, la HIV Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit de l'Université de Toronto et la Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver © 1999.
    A pour Actes, M pour Mutuels passe en revue vingt-cinq ans de recherche canadienne sur les prostitués, leurs clients, les jeunes de la rue et les utilisateurs de drogues injectables. Les données contenues ici remettent en question les idées fausses entourant la prostitution masculine et la propagation du sida.

    Dans cet ouvrage, Dan Allman étudie la perspective de la théorie sociale canadienne sur le travail du sexe et la façon dont les chercheurs canadiens ont jusqu'à présent défini et évalué les risques d'infection à VIH des hommes se livrant à la prostitution. Allman adopte une démarche originale pour enquêter sur la prévention du sida et l'accès de ces travailleurs du sexe aux services de santé. A pour Actes, M pour Mutuels décrit les conditions socio-politico-économiques entravant les droits des travailleurs du sexe et l'éducation en matière de sida au Canada, et analyse le contexte judiciaire et légal entourant cette question.

    Publié conjointement par Santé Canada, AIDS Vancouver, la HIV Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Faculté de médecine, Université de Toronto et la Sex Workers Alliance de Vancouver, A pour Actes, M pour Mutuels vise à aider les travailleurs du sexe, les chercheurs, les fournisseurs de services et les décideurs qui s'intéressent à la santé sexuelle des prostitués hommes au Canada.

    Financé par Santé Canada, dans le cadre de la Stratégie canadienne sur le VIH/sida

  • Men Who Sell Sex: International perspectives on male prostitution and HIV/AIDS. Peter Aggleton (ed.) UCL Press Taylor & Francis Group, 1999.
    While much is known about prostitution and sex-work, almost all research has been conducted among female sex-workers and their clients. Studies of men who sell sex, either to women or to other men are much more rare. Particularly poorly understood are men's motivations for engaging in such work, the circumstances in which the sale of sex occurs, the meanings attached to the acts by both the sex-worker and client and the HIV-related risks involved.

    Men Who Sell Sex remedies this major deficiency in the international literature by bringing together an authoritative collection of essays from experts in 21 countries, including the USA, Canada, the UK, The Netherlands, Morocco, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Peru. It is a book which aims to demystify a taboo area, to dispel some widely held misconceptions about sex-workers and the spread of AIDS, and to contribute to better health promotion work.

    Men Who Sell Sex offers a unique and compelling account of the reasons men sell sex and the pleasures and risks involved.

    Peter Aggleton is Professor of Education and Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK. He is the editor of the Social Aspects of AIDS series of books and of the journal Culture, Health and Sexuality. He has written or edited over twenty books in the field, including (with Richard Parker) Culture, Society and Sexuality (1998). [Back jacket]

  • "Research Directions in Male Sex Work", Browne and Minichiello, Journal of Homosexuality 1996: Vol 31, No 4, pp 29-56.

  • "Men Who Have Sex with Men: A Comparison of the sexual practices and risk-taking behaviour of gay and bisexuAl men and male prostitutes," Frances M. Shaver and Trent Newmeyer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Concordia University, Montreal, 1996.

  • "Risk Factors Associated with HIV Infection among Male Prostitutes," American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 83, No. 1, pp. 79-83, January 1993.

  • "Sexual Behaviour and AIDS Knowledge of Young Male Prostitutes in Manhattan," The Journal of Sex Research Vol. 27, No. 4, pp.557-587, November 1990.

  • "The Condom Use of Male Sex Workers in San Francisco," Aids & Public Policy, pp. 108-119, Summer 1992.

  • "The Male Street Prostitute: A vector for transmission of HIV infection into the Heterosexual World," Edward V. Mores, Patricia M. Simon, Howard J. Osofsky, Paul M. Balson an dH. Richard Gaumer. Deparment of Psychiatry, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans, Soc. Sci. Med. Vol 32, No. 5 pp. 535-539, 1991 Great Britain. Pergamon Press.

  • "Male Transvestite Prostitutes and HIV Risk." Kirk W. Elifson, PhD, Jacqueline Boles, PhD, Ellen Posey, MA, Mike Sweat, PhD, William Darrow, PhD, and William Elsea, MD, MPH, American Journal of Public Health, February 1993, Vol 83, No. 2 (reprint)

  • "Seroprevalence of Human Immunodeficiency virus among male prostitutes," New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 321 No. 12 Sept 21, 1989 p. 832.

  • "Sexual Conduct and Sexual Identity in Clients of Male Sexworkers." Schott-Ben Redjeb, Gundrun, Pant, Anand; Kleiber, Diete, Sozialpadpgogisches Institut Berlin (VIII International AIDS Conference, Amsterdam, 1992).

  • "AIDS Prevention in the Area of Male Prostitution," Sozialpadpgogisches Institut Berlin, (VIII International AIDS Conference, Amsterdam, 1992) [ed. note: to be published October, 1992]

  • "Young Homeless Men Selling Sex in Central London indentifying their HIV/AIDS Educational Needs." Barbara Gibson, Streetwise Youth, Peter Aggleton, Goldsmith's College, University of London (VIII International AIDS Conference, Amsterdam, 1992).

  • "The Evaluation of a Project for Male Prostitutes." Horton, Meurig, Parker, R. Longo, P.; World Health Organization, State University, Rio de Janeiro, ... (VIII International AIDS Conference, Amsterdam, 1992).


Created: January 30, 1999
Last modified: February 9, 2001

CSIS Commercial Sex Information Service
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