SAY NOTHING If you need help getting a lawyer, or are harassed by police, contact your local legal clinic or prostitutes' group. |
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Communication crimes![]() 'Communicating for the purpose of prostitution in a public place' became illegal in December, 1985. The law (section 213 of the Criminal Code of Canada) forbids anyone who is in a public place, a place open to the public, or a place in public view from 'communicating, or attempting to communicate, to any person in any manner, for the purpose of prostitution.'
![]() Enforcing the lawThe police say that they only arrest prostitutes who name the services that they offer and their price to under-cover cops. A cop cannot charge you with communicating just because you've been charged before. He can only lay a charge if you and he have made a deal to trade sex for money. There is nothing to stop an undercover cop from naming a sex act or price first and then busting a pro who goes for the date. Chances are the judge will believe the cop if he denies in court that he communicated first.There have been some cases where the judge had some doubt about whether the pro or the cop had done the communicating and the charges were dropped. Some pros have even won 'communicating' cases themselves without a lawyer. Anytime the cop communicates first, you have a chance of beating the charge, especially if you didn't actually agree to a date.
![]() Is it entrapment if
It is only entrapment if a cop behaves in a way that forces you to do something that you would never have done otherwise. The police are allowed to give you the chance to break the law if they suspect that you are already involved in that crime. With prostitution, this might be because they know that you have an ad in the adult classifieds, or that you are standing in an area known to be a stroll, or that you have been charged with prostitution-related offences before. |
![]() with communicating if:
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How busts go downMost cops tell you that you are arrested after the deal's been made and you've gotten into their car and they have driven a short way -- followed by a backup car. Usually the cop will drive out of the area, so as not to alert other pros, to a place where back-up is close by. Sometimes an under-cover cop doesn't identify himself and back-up cops arrest the pro after he drives away. Some cops are on foot. As soon as they can get you to agree to a date, they use a code to tell back-up cops to arrest you before you can get away. Cops have also used cabs to make 'communicating' busts. These are also good charges to fight because it is obvious how far the cops had to go to trick the pro. Also some judges don't like to see that kind of waste of money.
In a sweep, cops often take you to a command post nearby where police staff are waiting to process you. In the past during big sweeps, cops have not even bothered to try to entrap prostitutes before arresting them.
![]() After you get busted'Communicating' is a summary conviction (minor) offence so you can get up to a $2,000 fine and/or six months in jail. Because it is a summary offence, you should get an appearance notice and be released unless you:
Cops sometimes take polaroids or videos of pros on the street 'for identification.' You don't have to go to the station for a mug shot or fingerprints for a summary offence. Police often use prostitution arrests as an excuse to search for drugs. Undercover cops have been known to ask pros to supply drugs.
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![]() What are your
Many defence lawyers believe that it is very difficult to win a case where someone is charged with 'communicating.' For this reason most lawyers will advise you to plead guilty. |
![]() Legal aidLegal aid is only available to people who face possible jail sentences. Someone charged with 'communicating' will only qualify for a legal aid certificate if they have several charges or prior convictions, or when they are being held in jail.Some community legal clinics can take on prostitution-related charges for free. In Toronto, Parkdale Community Legal Services has the most experience in this area.
What's a good defence?If you are approached by an undercover cop, and he suggests the price and the act but you say that you only charge for your time -- not for a specific service -- you can still be busted.This defence probably wouldn't work, especially if you were picked up on a known stroll. The judge would likely believe that charging a price for your time when approached on the stroll was still 'communicating for the purpose of prostitution.' The court could decide to admit a taped conversation between you and an undercover cop as evidence that it was the officer who communicated and not you. But it could make the cops mad if they find a tape-recorder on you. You are only allowed to tape conversations that you are a part of. Police, on the other hand, can apply for a warrant that allows them to record any of your conversations anyplace.
![]() Other street bustsIndecent act in a public place
You can be charged for committing an indecent act -- exposing your genitals or, if you're a woman, your breasts -- in any place where you can be seen by the public. |
Bawdy-house laws are used against people who work in brothels or for escort agencies or who see clients in their homes. (See: No Bawdy's Business.) If you bring an undercover cop from the street back to your place, he can't charge you with bawdy-house offences right away. A place has to be used regularly to be a bawdy-house so at least one other cop would have to come undercover on a different day. If you didn't discuss having sex until you were at your place you could fight a 'communicating' charge. |
![]() Carrying weapons
'Carrying a concealed weapon' includes carrying things like mace, pepper spray, stun guns or kitchen knives for protection. If you carry a weapon in public which isn't hidden -- even wearing a studded wrist band -- you can be charged with 'possession of a prohibited weapon' (section 90). Both are hybrid offences so the crown can decide that the charge is indictable (up to five and ten years respectively). (For more about weapons see Holding Court.) |
Using other names
It is legal to use any name unless it's for fraud. But you can be charged with 'willfully obstructing a peace officer' or with 'obstructing justice' for using anything but your legal name in order to avoid arrest or conviction. Both offences are hybrid and can get you up to two years in jail. A charge under another name can catch up to you and get you into a lot of trouble and being charged under the same name more than once is even riskier. Some people have gotten off of charges under false names but they had to lie to their lawyers about who they were in order to do this. A lawyer is not allowed to take your case if she or he knows that you aren't telling the truth. But if a lawyer |
Special thanks to:
Some legal services (416 area code)Legal Aid * Old City Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598-0200 * College Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .598-1260 * Duty Counsel (24 hours). . . . . . . . . . . . . 868-0720 Parkdale Community Legal Services. . . . . . . . . . .531-2411 Community & Legal Aid Services (CLASP). . . . . . . . 736-5029 Aboriginal Legal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408-3967 Justice for Children and Youth (under 18). . . . . . .920-1633 Dial-a-law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947-3333 Lawyer Referral Service (includes free half-hour consultation). . . . . . . . 947-3330 Outside Metro Toronto Lawyer Referral Service. . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-268-8326 Student legal aid services Kingston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-613-545-2102 London. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-519-661-3352 Ottawa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-613-564-5855 Windsor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-519-253-7150 |
Trials of the Sex Trade |
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Created: January 15, 1996 Last modified: October 11, 2008 |
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Commercial Sex Information Service Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6 Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710 Email: csis@walnet.org |