[health menu] XI International Conference on AIDS
July 7-12, 1996

Bo Kywe,Nyunt Nyunt, Khin Nu Nu,
Kan Oo, May Hla Nwe, Hla Myint, Soe Win.
AIDS/STD Control, Yangon


HIV Prevention Among Commercial Sex Workers Using Peer Education and OUtreach Strategies; Myanmar


Commercial sex work is culturally and legally discouraged in Myanmar, but remains a problem. In December 1992, the Central STD Clinic established a "Special Unit" as a CSW-friendly method for reaching CSWs.


To develop a mechanism for communicating with active CSWs; to train CSWs as peer educators; to promote awareness of STD/HIV; to encourage safer sex practices; to promote proper health seeking behavior.


CSWs are selected on the basis of interest in becoming a peer educator; requirements include: must be non-mobile, 30+ yrs of age, influential among peers, have regular STD team contact, be literate, be self confident. CSWs are trained to be peer educators and given condoms and IEC supplies. The STD team monitors/supervises all outreach work, and provides referrals when appropriate. Activity records are kept for each peer educator and effectiveness is assessed every three months.


325 CSWs are involved in the peer education network; attendance at the STD Clinic has increased, as have visits for check-ups. Preventive education opportunities have increased. CSW acceptance has been good.


The CSW-friendly approach has enabled development of a network where peer education and outreach services for active CSWs has flourished.

Dr. Nyunt Nyunt
STD Control Program, Department of Health
Yangon, Myanmar

Report on the XI Int. Conference ... [NSWP] [health menu] [main menu]

Created: July 16, 1996
Last modified: December 8, 1996

NSWP Network of Sex Work Projects
29-35 Farringdon Road,
London EC1M 3JB, UK
(44) 171-242-4228
Email: sexworknet@gn.apc.org