Government of Alberta Government of Alberta
News Release
Reference No. 9976

November 21, 2000
Edmonton, Alberta

"These amendments build upon and complement the existing provisions of this much needed legislation. With these changes, we can better support children at risk."

  • Iris Evans
    Minister, Children's Services

Government to amend law protecting children involved in prostitution

Amendments to the Protection of Children Involved in Prostitution Act will be tabled today in the Alberta Legislature. The amendments serve two purposes: to ensure that children's rights are protected and to enable them to receive additional care and support.

"We will maintain the Act's existing framework. It's solid legislation and it's working well. These amendments will simply strengthen the Act and enhance its effectiveness," said Iris Evans, Minister, Children's Services.

Some of the amendments are based upon recommendations made by police, social workers and front-line service providers, who suggested a number of changes enabling them to provide additional care. The initial confinement period will be extended for up to five days from the previous 72 hours. Also, a Protection of Children Involved in Prostitution director can apply for a maximum of two additional confinement periods of up to 21 days each. This additional time will enable social workers to stabilize the child, help the child break the cycle of abuse and begin the recovery process in a safe and secure environment.

The remaining amendments are designed to ensure that children's rights are protected. As soon as a child is confined, the child will be informed, in writing, as to why he or she is confined, the duration of the confinement, court dates and the right to legal representation. The child will be given an opportunity to contact Legal Aid. In addition, each child will be told he or she may request a court review of the confinement.

Heather Forsyth, MLA, Calgary-Fish Creek and sponsor of the bill said, "Through these amendments, we can provide even more support to sexually abused children. Our focus has always been on protecting vulnerable children and we'll do all we can to get them off the streets."

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For more information, please contact:

  • Iris Evans
    Minister, Children's Services
    (780) 415-4890
  • Heather Forsyth
    MLA, Calgary-Fish Creek
    (780) 427-1851
  • Mark Kastner
    Communications, Children's Services
    (780) 427-4801

Court Rulings… [Gov. Reports]

Created: November 21, 2000
Last modified: November 21, 2000
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