The Junger/Whitehead
Inquiry Chronology

By Fiona Stewart

In the fall of 1989 Police Constable Gordon Junger becomes involved with a high priced call girl.

December 4, 1989
Roma Langford goes to the Internal affairs Unit and agrees to assist in a sting operation with Internal Affairs. At this time Constable Junger is now in business with Langford, working as a prostitute, as well as being a member of the Morality Squad.

December 5, 1989
Junger is arrested at a hotel by Internal Affairs who set up the sting. The same day Junger's home is searched. A small quantity of hashish is found and he is charged with possession. No prostitution charges were ever laid.

December 6, 1989
Junger is suspended from duty with pay.

January 19, 1990
Junger signs a secret resignation agreement with the force. All criminal charges are dropped and the police agree to destroy all evidence. Chief William McCormack is aware of the agreement and it's content.

March 1, 1990
as per the agreement Gordon Junger resign from the force. Reason noted in personal file as personal.

April 7, 1990
Allan Story, a reporter with The Toronto Star breaks the story.

April 8, 1990
Metro chairman Allan Tonks wants a full explanation of the "police sex scandal."

May 23, 1990
The Ontario Police Commission sets up a public inquiry to examine the operations of the Internal Affairs department. The inquiry was mandated to examine the administration and policies of the Internal affairs department.

June 18, 1990
The Chairman of the Ontario Police Commission ordered that a public inquiry be held.

July 1990
The OPP conducted an investigation of the Junger case including the resignation agreement.

Fall, 1990
The inquiry began to hear from the first of over 30 witnesses. It would be 18 month before the last witness would be called.

June 11, 1991
19 months after Langford turned Junger in, she finally testified at the inquiry.

June 13, 1991
Langford collapsed on the witness stand and was rushed to hospital.

Junger testifies at the inquiry, claiming to have been the victim of a mayor conspiracy to oust him from the force. During the summer of 1991, Gordon Junger launches a $4.3 million law suit against the Metro Police Force for wrongful dismissal.

Whitehead case

November 7, 1989
A woman working as a prostitute was picked up by then Sergeant Brian Whitehead. He was off duty at the time when she propositioned him and he threatened to arrest her, if she didn't do what he told her.

The next day the woman approached a lawyer for advise as Whitehead had advised her that he would continue to call her. On Nov. 22, 1989 after a three week investigation, Whitehead was charged with sexual assault and extortion. However, no formal arrest papers were ever filled out and Whitehead was released from custody after 3 hours.

March 11, 1990
Whitehead was charged under the Police Act with corrupt practice and deceit.

May 11, 1990
Whitehead was demoted from Sergeant to Constable. He pleaded guilty to the Police Act charges. The woman, who he had extorted sex from, was never notified of the hearing. McCormack defended the force and blamed Jane Doe for not attending the hearing.

March 19, 1991
Jane Doe was forced to seek an injunction to prevent her name from being disclosed to the public and media.

March 20, 1991
Sally Ritchie from The Globe and Mail broke the Jane Doe story.

Evidence at the inquiry brought to light several disturbing aspects about Jane Doe's treatment by the force.

  1. She was pointed as not being a credible witness, thus no criminal charges were laid.

  2. Her statement that she gave to internal affairs was changed by the prosecutor, without her knowledge and presented to the hearing officer.

The prosecutor and the defence agreed to plead that Whitehead should lose vacation time for his offences. The hearing officer disagreed with the joint submission and demoted Whitehead to a first class constable. The hearing officer described Whitehead's offence as a "totally despicable abuse of police power and authority."

He went on to say in his two years as tribunal officer, I have never had a case before me which depicts so vividly the abuse of power and position of a police officer. All this having been said, he still did not dismiss Whitehead from the force, which was an option that was available to him.

According to the Junger/Whitehead report, the treatment of Jane Doe by senior management of the force only got worse. The report concluded in the case of Jane Doe, the force was simply to eager to deflect any public criticism from itself and in the process disregarded the interest of an individual, who was twice victimized, once by the original offence and by the police disciplinary system.

More about Jane Doe... [Fiona Stewart] [the Walnuts] [Whore Heroes]

Created: March 17, 1998
Last modified: February 14, 1999

Walnet Jane Doe, c/o Walnut Society
Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710