The Municipality of
Metropolitan Toronto

Metropolitan Legal Department
22nd Floor, Box 16, 1 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1Z3
Telephone: (416) 392-8041
Fax: (416) 392-3848

John S. Sillers
Derek A. Brown, LL.B.
Margaret A. Fischer, LL.B.
Patricia H. Simpson, LL.B.
Deborah J. Boudreau, LL.B.
Katherine E. Hill, LL.B.
Colleen M. Edwards, LL.B.
Dianne E. Young, LL.B., LL.M.
Karl M. Druckman, LL.B.
Michael G. Marjosh, LL.B.
Ansuya Pachal, LL.B.
Jack K. Horsley, LL.B.
James E. Anderson, LL.B.
Darrel A. Smith, LL.B.
Kenneth F. Christie, LL.B.
Lois S. Winstock, LL.B.
Janet A. Ross, LL.B.
Jeffery A. Abrams, LL.B.
Graham Rempe, LL.B.
Robert O. Avinoam, LL.B.
Robert H. Ashley, LL.B.
Zoyal L. Troflmenko, LL.B.

H.W. Osmond Doyle, LL.B.
Metropolitan Solicitor

Albert H. Cohen, LL.B.
Deputy Metropolitan Solicitor

George S. Monteith, LL.B.
Corporation Counsel

Jane E. Egan, LL.B.
Associate Corporation Counsel

In Reply Refer to
File No.

Albert H. Cohen

March 28, 1991


McCarthy, Tétrault
Barristers & Solicitors
Suite 4700
Toronto Dominion Bank Tower
Toronto Dominion Centre
Toronto, ON M5K 1E6


Mr. R. Paul Steep
Mr. Bernard LeBlanc

Dear Sirs:


Jane Doe v. William McCormack, et al
OCGD Action No. 18027/91U

      Further to our discussions, I wish to confirm, on behalf of Chief William McCormack and The Metropolitan Toronto Police Force, that they, being the Defendants in the above-noted action, undertake not to disclose any information in their possession which would in any way identify the Plaintiff in respect of disciplinary proceedings against Sergeant Brian Whitehead, badge no. 2821, before the Metropolitan Toronto Police Force Disciplinary Tribunal, whose decision was rendered May 11, 1990, unless they are compelled to do so by law. The Defendants further undertake not to release to the public a transcript of proceedings involving Sergeant Whitehead taken pursuant to the Police Act unless all identifying references to the Plaintiff from the transcript are first deleted, unless compelled to do so by law.

Jane Doe... [Fiona Stewart] [the Walnuts] [Whore Heroes]

Created: December 2, 1998
Last modified: February 14, 1999

Walnet Jane Doe, c/o Walnut Society
Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710