The Vancouver Police Department
312 Main Street,
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V6A 2T2
Phone: (604) 665-3535
Fax: (604) 257-5809

Date: April 9, 1998

Re: "Community" policing on Granville.

As both a resident and a patron of Granville Street, I am quite perturbed to notice that at least one of the officers from the Community Policing Office here doesn't seem to understand the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of this country.

Freedom of movement and freedom of assembly are rights that are supposed to be enjoyed by all Canadians. Yet this particular officer seems compelled to tell street kids (often small groups of them) to "move along" whenever he sees them sitting on the sidewalk. Does he perhaps believe that the Charter was only meant for people who own businesses, or perhaps have stable addresses and incomes?

Municipal loitering laws have been consistently struck down by the Supreme Court when they have been applied to harass prostitutes. Perhaps he needs to have this explained to him by a judge?

Please see to it that ALL your officers are educated as to the rights and freedoms enjoyed by all citizens of this country.

Thanks for your attention on this matter.


Andrew Sorfleet
Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver

C. The Editor, The West Ender


Published letter... [SWAV Letters] [Rights Groups]

Created: April 23, 1998
Last modified: March 6, 1999
SWAV Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver
Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710