Live on the World Wide Web since July 1995!
Site last updated: March 16, 2005
The principal directors of the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver want to send out a huge Thank You to all of our supporters over the last decade. It's been an amazing and productive ten years.
- Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver: End of an Era "I am very proud today to announce that the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver has officially disbanded
- Whorelover T-shirt: Send a blank money order for $25 with your shipping information and tell us why you're a Whorelover, and we'll send you this exclusive T-shirt!
- $JOHN DOUGH:It's a BUSINE$$ Doing Pleasure Self-inking money stamp!
- Historical Sites in Vancouver: Photos and blurbs about famous places prostitutes have worked.
- M is for Mutual, A is for Acts: Male Sex Work and AIDS in Canada. By Dan Allman. Aussi en français! A pour Actes, M pour Mutuels: Le travail du sexe au masculin et le sida au Canada. Par Dan Allman.
A comprehensive literature review of all the Canadian research that includes data on male sex workers. Co-published by Health Canada, AIDS Vancouver, University of Toronto and the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver!
- $100,000 Reward: Missing Downtown Eastside Women. (July 29, 1999.)
The Ministry of Attorney General and the Vancouver Police Board have authorized a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the unlawful confinement, kidnapping or murder of any or all of 31 women listed missing from the streets of Vancouver. Available as PDF: rewardposter.pdf (prints 11" x 17").
- SWAV's Aims and Principles
- Hotel and Motel Criss-Cross Directory A useful way to know quickly what hotel a client is calling from. Thanks to SWAV volunteers!
- If Cops Want To Talk To You One of the first pieces published from Trials of the Sex Trade, this card outlines your rights when you are being interrogated or arrested. This is a Vancouver version from the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver.
- Check out
Trials of the Sex of the Sex Trade: A survival guide to Canada's legal jungle. Written and produced (but never printed) under the auspices of Maggie's, sections of this book were finally published by SWAV.
- Wanna Be a Movie Star? A little legal advice about sexy pictures if you are under 18. Targetted toward the boys stroll after guys were questioned regarding the Bennest case, 1996. See clippings.
- SWAV's Health Info Cards the effects of oils on condoms, nonoxynol-9, hepatitis and more!
From SWAV's Illustrious Members
- SWAV Scarlet letters Letters to researchers, newspapers, politicians and police. (Last updated: June 16, 1999.)
- SWAV Coordinator, Andy Sorfleet bares all as Pete! On the sexy web 'zine Trailboys.
- WHORE Tour 2000! Bill and Andy take SWAV's "Whore Love" message to Toronto.
- Canada Day 2000: Andy's Birthday Suit Salute! Baring it all for Canada's birthday celebrations.
- SWAV Trips to T.O.! SWAV is invited to Toronto to participate in research about Canadian public policy and sex work. (September 23 - 28, 1999)
- Myths about prostitutes: Separating Fact from Fiction a well-reasoned look at some of the assumptions people carry about prostitutes.
- The Vanguard of Sexploitation: Vancouver research hurts those it claims to help. A draft paper by Andrew Sorfleet handed out at the 10th Annual BC HIV/AIDS Conference, October 26 - 28, 1997.
- It's different for boys: Reprinted from Whores and Other Feminists, Jill Nagle, ed., New York: Routledge, 1997. By J. Marlowe.
- Prisoners' Justice Day: SWAV Spokeswoman Raigen tells it like it is! - August 10 1998.
- CRIME STOPPERS Bus Shelter Campaign - Summer 1998.
- Whore Wars This is a personal account of some of the hot issues for Vancouver prostitutes during 1997.
- Starting a Bad Trick Sheet originally published in CASH Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 3, (Coalition Advocating Safer Hustling). July 1995.
