Sunday, February 1, 1998

Canadian Press

p. A38.

Appeal lost in hooker killing at golf course

HALIFAX — A woman convicted of beating a teenage girl to death at a city golf course has lost her appeal of the judge's handling of evidence.

The prosecution had alleged that the 22-year-old woman became jealous when the girl, her prize prostitute, tried to break away.

Although Appeal Court Justice Thomas Cromwell agreed there were inconsistencies in testimony and evidence was omitted, he ruled they did not affect the verdict that convicted Doris Mae Eisenhauer of second-degree murder. "Taken cumulatively, there is no reasonable possibility that the admission of this evidence would have changed the result," he said.

Eisenhauer, serving a life term, was found guilty in late 1996. Early-morning golfers had found 17-year-old Gisele Pelzmann, beaten to death with a large rock, in September of 1993.

Defence lawyer Don Murray's appeal claimed the judge failed to adequately review defence evidence that someone else was responsible. Ex-prostitute Claudette Chisholm had testified she saw Eisenhauer drag Pelzmann to the golf course where she beat her.

Chisolm, herself arrested for the killing, said she ran away.

— CP

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Created: February 25, 1998
Last modified: January 15, 2001
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