July/August, 1982, No. 85

Danny Cockerline

p. 9.

Mother's knows best

LONDON -- Determination and not a little courage has won Vern Halbot his job back with Mother's Pizza, where he was recently fired for being gay.

Halbot was hired April 28 by Mother's Pizza located at Dundas and Highbury Road. Assistant Manager Homi Poppy fired Halbot, telling him, "Mother's is not a place for you."

Halbot immediately registered a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission, then contacted the vice president of personnel for Mother's, Steven Becker, who referred him to Joseph Stein, the London district manager. After meeting with Stein, Halbot was rehired May 30 to the same position but at a different Mother's location.

Halbot asked for a written apology from Mother's but was refused. He was told to "let the dust settle."

Meanwhile, Paula Humphreys, who had refused to fire Halbot, and another woman have quit their jobs at Mother's over the incident.

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Created: January 12, 1997
Last modified: July 2, 1997

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