Tuesday, March 14, 2000

Young Prostitutes

REGINA, SASK — Young girls and boys are selling sex on street corners in the province's larger cities. They end up there for a variety of reasons. But in Regina there's a new plan in the works to help get these young people off the streets. Christine Dieter works with prostitutes in a Regina neighborhood. She says it's not just adults working these corners. The youngest is about 9 years of age. She wants to set up a network of safe homes. They would stay in family homes… something similar to a foster home for up to 48 hours. During that time counselors would visit and work with the child and decide where to go next. But Deiter says getting families to offer up their homes as safe houses is going to be hard sell. Deiter hopes to open Regina's first safe home for young prostitutes by July. In the end she hopes to have ten homes altogether.

"Secure Care"… [Regina 2000] [News by region] [News by topic]

Created: December 6, 2000
Last modified: January 19, 2001
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