Wednesday, December 20, 2000

Ontario to battle child prostitution

TORONTO — The Ontario government has introduced legislation, similar to legislation already in place in Alberta, aimed at protecting vulnerable children.

Attorney General Jim Flaherty says the Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation Act will allow police to take child prostitutes off the streets. He says it will permit police and Children's Aid social workers to place children under the age of 18 in a safe house for up to 30 days.

Flaherty says while in the safe house, the child would receive medical services, drug and alcohol counselling, mental health services and legal aid.

There are an estimated 1,200 child prostitutes in Ontario, mainly in the largest cities.

The bill will also allow the suspension of drivers licences of pimps and the customers of child prostitutes.

Secure Care… [Toronto 2000] [News by region] [News by topic]

Created: December 21, 2000
Last modified: January 19, 2001
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