December 24-31, 2015

Andrew Sorfleet

Statement reflects poorly on sex workers

Re: Sex Appeal: Sex Workers are Still Exploited Under HarperCon's Anti-prostitution law (NOW, December 17-24). Author Fleur de Lit quotes the Global Network of Sex Work Projects "Just as with convicted Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton, 'for years, many sex workers were aware of the identity of the Green River Killer but were either afraid to come forward for fear of arrest or simply [being] dismissed by police.'"

As someone who coordinated the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver, I can say this is not my experience. Sex workers reported violent offenders regardless of legal vulnerabilities. If sex workers feared going to the police, it was because of corruption, not Canada's prostitution laws.

– Andrew Sorfleet

Letter, NOW Magazine, December 24-31, 2015.
Letter, NOW Magazine, December 24-31, 2015.

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Created: March 4, 2024
Last modified: March 9, 2024
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