Wednesday, April 8, 1998

Gary Oakes

p. B2.

Threat to hooker draws jail term

A man who demanded at knife point the return of money he paid a prostitute for a sex act has been given 11 month in jail.

Kirk Lunan "acted as he did solely out of his contempt for the victim," Mr. Justice John Jennings said yesterday in a Toronto courtroom.

The first offender was motivated by "his desire to exercise domination and control over" the woman, the Ontario Court, general division judge added.

Prosecutor Mary Humphrey said the 42-year-old victim was terrified by the incident in downtown Toronto in January of 1996. The prosecutor added that the woman begged Lunan not to hurt her and returned the $20 he had paid for intercourse.

Three month later, the victim spotted him on the streets and alerted police who arrested him, Humphrey said.

Lunan, 27, of Sherbourne St. in Toronto was found guilty of robbery and carrying a concealed weapon.

"A clear message must be sent to him and other like-minded offenders that such conduct will not be tolerated," the prosecutor added.

[Toronto '98] [News by region] [News by topic]

Created: April 23, 1998
Last modified: April 23, 1998

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