Tuesday, September 1, 1998

Dick Chapman

p. News 5.

Dominatrix a liar, Crown says

NEWMARKET -- Dominatrix Terri-Jean Bedford lied during her trial on a charge of keeping a common bawdy house, a Crown attorney alleged yesterday.

In closing arguments in the Bungalow Bondage sado-masochism case prosecutor Peter Westgate said Bedford, 38, is "a complete and utter stranger to the truth" and misled the court over dildos, genital touching and an enema bag.

Judge Roy Bogusky said he will rule Oct. 9. Bedford admitted strapping on a dildo and ordering a customer to perform oral sex on it, Westgate said. "Clearly that is an act of prostitution."

Bedford first testified she doesn't use dildos, then admitted she may have "once or twice," he said.

'Dildo training'

The prosecutor also cited Bedford's evasiveness about a reference to "dildo training" on a pamphlet listing services in the "erotica room" of her S&M establishment.

"She's lying throughout this testimony." Westgate duelled verbally with Bedford's lawyer, Alan Young, over whether S&M role-playing is sex -- and therefore prostitution since Bedford's clients were charged a fee.

Westgate noted Bedford admitted putting a clothes peg on the vagina of another dominatrix, and said that is genital touching, which legally establishes a sex act.

But Young argued two undercover York Region police officers failed to witness any intercourse or oral sex during five visits and were told repeatedly they couldn't get it there.

Young said if Bedford is convicted, he will ask for a stay while he argues the 1994 police search and seizure was illegal.

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Created: September 9, 1998
Last modified: September 9, 1998

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