Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mi-Jung Lee
British Columbia

Your tax dollars may be funding sex

B.C.'s watchdog for acupuncturists is investigating a Richmond clinic after a CTV hidden-camera report discovered that the facility was offering medical receipts for sexual services.

CTV Investigators reveal questionable receipts being offered for sex.
CTV Investigators reveal questionable receipts being offered for sex.

CTV's undercover volunteer visited KK Acupuncture in Richmond, which advertises in an adult online section, and says that it accepts insurance.

The sign in front of the clinic says it's a traditional Chinese medicine centre. When CTV's undercover man entered, Wendy, the manager closed the door. He asked what kind of services he could get with his discount coupon and how much it would cost.

She told him, "Eighty — a hundred dollars. I can give you prostate massage and a hand job."

"What is it exactly? Is it masturbation?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah," she answered. On another occasion she offered a "happy ending."

She also offered receipts for the services, saying she could write it up as acupuncture so that a client could get reimbursed by their health plan, or a low income client could bill the medical services plan. British Columbians on social assistance are eligible to be reimbursed for up to 10 visits a year to a health practitioner like an acupuncturist or physiotherapist. There was a certificate of a registered acupuncturist inside KK Acupuncture.

The manager said, "If you need a receipt, 100, if you don't need a receipt, 80 dollars. I do you and the doctor gives receipt."

Mary Watterson, the registrar for the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists, was shocked that an acupuncture clinic was advertising in an adult classified section.

"The college is very concerned, we're going to be dealing with it. We're opening an investigation. One expects to be safe and be in a properly run clinic," she said.

"It's not the place where ads for our registrants should be."

As for the receipts being offered, Watterson said if false receipts are being issued, it's a very serious matter.

CTV contacted the acupuncturist whose certificate was on the wall. He says he knows nothing about sexual services being offered or receipts with his name on them.

"I never agree to use my number and my name to give receipts to patients," he said.

In January, the college suspended the license of an acupuncturist for allegedly selling sex at the Hua Xia clinic in Surrey. The City of Surrey also revoked the business license.

Meanwhile, the acupuncturist connected with KK Acupuncture has taken down his certificate from the wall and says he will no longer do business there.

Health ministry officials told CTV if the medical services plan is being billed inappropriately, they will investigate and notify police if necessary.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Jon Woodward

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Created: March 12, 2024
Last modified: March 13, 2024
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