January 9, 1998, Issue 8, Vol. 1.

p. 3.

Why we have and need a neighbourhood police office

(from the Strathcona Police Office News)

During and after Expo 86, there was a substantial increase in prostitution and drug dealing in Strathcona which previously, had a relatively low crime and disorder rate for an inner city neighbourhood. Resident' anger and frustration with this situation, and the perceived lack of police concern, grew hotter until they boiled over in spring of 1992. Against police advice, over 100 residents formed themselves to confront prostitutes and drug dealers openly operating on the streets.

In response, and out of concern for residents' safety, the Vancouver Police Department assigned two officers to deal with the neighbourhood's problems. The sex trade workers were asked to solicit customers on the north side of Hastings Street and to avoid bringing them into this neighbourhood. The police started busting local drug houses. The City started more rigorous inspections of rooming houses for safety, fire and other violations. Some residents started Block Watch programs.

Slowly, in 1992-93, residents and police started to cooperate in dealing with the neighbourhood's problems. Police officers came on patrols with residents. A small police office opened in the community centre and, in the summer of 1993, the present office opened under Officers Jamie Monroe and Russ Mitchell.

Until December, 1996 the office operated with an advisory committee that met only sporadically. When the provincial government and City of Vancouver decided to provide funds to neighbourhood safety offices in 1996, they stipulated that there must be representative, fully functioning neighbourhood advisory committees for each office.

[Vancouver '98] [News by region] [News by topic]

Created: August 27, 1999
Last modified: August 27, 1999

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