The West Ender Thursday, July 30, 1998
Mary Frances Hill |
Database works to track city's sex-buyersAward-winning cops spread idea across CanadaA local police initiative to track down sex trade "consumers" has won accolades and converts from across B.C. and Canada. Vancouver police constables Oscar Ramos and Ray Payette have recently been awarded the R.J. Canuel Award fr Excellence in Policing, for their program "Deter, Identify, Sex-Trade Consumers or D.I.S.C. The system aims to identify and deter "consumers" or johns, from frequenting prostitutes. Since police instituted the program last January, officered have entered 182 names in the database, apprended 36 juvenile sex offenders and relocated them to foster or natural families. Of the 182 johns notified so far, two have repeated the offense. On the consumer, or john's first "stop" by authorities, his details area entered into the DISC database equipped in police automobiles. A "Dear John" letter, describing the prostitution problems in Vancouver neighborhoods, is then posted to his residence. So far, the system has brought noticable drops in sex-trade worker traffic in the "Franklin Stroll" area near East Hastings and Commercial Drive, and in Mount Pleasant. "Dear John" letters may go to men who either pick up, or are found in the company of, a sex trade worker, who continually drive around the area frequented by sex-trade workers, or continue to stop and talk to them. The success of the DISC database has caught the interest of surrounding cities. This month, Port Moody, New Westminster, Abbotsford and Sudbury Ontario, will introduce DISC to police work. Currently, the cities of Burnaby, Surrey, North Vancouver, Calgary, Alberta and London, Ontario are working to introduce it their departments. Las Vegas' police department has also expressed interested. Bringing DISC across municipal boundaries will help police curb the effects of the sex trade, which is frequented mostly by transients, said Payette.
Created: August 24, 1998 Last modified: August 24, 1998 |
Commercial Sex Information Service Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6 Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710 Email: |