Thursday, June 24, 1999

Andy Ivens
Staff Reporter

p. A36.

Sex-trial accused appeals to jury

"Do you want the blood of an innocent man on your shoulders?"

With that appeal to a B.C. Supreme Court jury in Vancouver, Frank Kim yesterday made his final pitch to avoid conviction on 27 sex-related charges involving nine girls aged 12 to 16.

Kim, who began his summation in the 11-week trial a week ago, appeared at times to be bullying the jury, warning them about damage to their karma, then appealing to their sympathy.

"It's your karma that's on the line," he told the jurors.

"It's your oath to God [as jurors]. Do you want the blood of an innocent man on your shoulders?

"Think hard about yourselves and what is at stake. It is your destiny at stake."

As the 26-year-old self-styled playboy pointed a finger for emphasis like a preacher, some jurors yawned, passed notes to each other, or gazed off into space.

Turning his theory that the Crown and the police persuaded witnesses to lie, Kim asserted: "Jesus said, 'Woe to those who make these little ones sin.'"

All nine complainants testified against Kim. A videotape of sexual acts by five of them was shown during the trial.

"These youths don't know any better," said Kim, who received more than $100,000 from his wealthy parents in South Korea during 1997, when the alleged crimes took place.

"They grew up learning to lie, cheat and steal. Those pushing them to lie, they should know better."

Of the girls' credibility, Kim said, "They were prostitutes when they met me… Everybody knows that they are of questionable character."

Explaining why he conducted his own defence, Kim said, "I'm just fortunate that I have an education. I have brains. I have strength in God.

"I have seen the light at the end of my tunnel. It keeps me focused every step of the way."

As if the eight-woman, four-man jury, which began hearing evidence April 12, needed a reminder, Kim brought up his own courtroom tactics.

"You can tell I am not a guy who is going to stop fighting," he said.

"When all this is over, I win."

Justice Janice Dillon will deliver her charge to the jury this morning.

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Created: August 6, 1999
Last modified: June 11, 2001
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