Saturday, February 27, 1999

'Johns' could lose their cars

WINNIPEG — The toughest anti-prostitution law in the country is about to take effect in Manitoba.

As of Monday, police will have sweeping new powers to seize and impound vehicles used in the commission of prostitution-related offences.

Those include vehicles men use to cruise neighbourhoods for prostitutes and taxis taking so-called johns to red-light districts.

Johns can apply to have their vehicles returned if they leave a deposit equal to the value of the vehicle. However, the auto or deposit is forfeited if the person is convicted.

[Winnipeg '99] [News by region] [News by topic]

Created: December 6, 2000
Last modified: January 21, 2001
CSIS Commercial Sex Information Service
Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710
Email: csis@walnet.org