Saturday, April 28, 2001. 02:33

Bad Girls: tabloid launch

BANGKOK — Thai prostitutes are observing the Labour Day this year in open style with the launch of their fortnightly tabloid "Bad Girls."

Bad Girls Editor Chantawipa Apisuk told the Nation newspaper the tabloid would promote the sex industry by serving as a forum for male and female prostitutes, officially known in Thailand as sex workers.

Chantawipa, member of a non-governmental organisation that champions the rights of prostitutes, said her editorial team would work under the slogan 'Good Girls Go To Heaven. Bad Girls Go Everywhere.'

She said: "The theme is symbolic because sex workers had many paths open to them." Chantawipa said the first edition of Bad Girls would feature a front-page story on an international prostitution congress held recently in Bangkok. Labour Day falls on May 1.

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Created: May 3, 2001
Last modified: September 1, 2001
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