Eric Lowther, M.P.
Calgary Centre

News Release
May 1, 1998

For immediate release


May 1, 1998

OTTAWA — Today, Calgary Centre MP Eric Lowther tabled a private member's bill that has won the endorsement of three levels of government and the Alberta Justice Minister.

"I am proud to follow through on my pledge to Calgary Alderman Jon Lord, Alberta MLAs Heather Forsyth and Wayne Cao, and Alberta Justice Minister Jon Havelock and table this private member's bill today. But especially, I am pleased to serve those community citizens who have asked for this type of initiative," Lowther said.

Lowther's bill proposes to make communicating for the purposes of prostitution a dual or "hybrid" offence. Currently, such offences result in a summary conviction and usually only minor fines are given. Changing section 213 of the Criminal Code to a dual offence would allow such offences to be prosecuted as either a summary or indictable conviction. If treated as an indictable offence, authorities could fingerprint and photograph offenders. Such identification tools could assist in locating runaways, and help track repeat or dangerous johns.

"Anonymity is the greatest asset of many of these offenders, and the fines that are given are often just the price of doing business," said Lowther. "This proposed change is a positive step towards greater deterrence and safer streets. The people whose taxes pay for the streets should be able to feel safe upon them."

Lowther will be contacting municipalities across Canada to gain their support. A petition in support of this initiative is also available through his offices in Calgary or Ottawa

For more information, call: Eric Lowther, MP (613) 995-1127.

Ottawa Office
234? Wellington Building
House of Commons
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
(613) 995-1127
Fax (613) 995-7111

Constituency Office
#306-1324 11th Avenue SW
Calgary AB T3C 0M6?
(403) 531-0980
Fax (403) 531-0983

About Bill C-397… [Gov. Reports]

Created: October 7, 1998
Last modified: October 8, 2002
CSIS Commercial Sex Information Service
Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710