Metropolitan Toronto Police
40 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M5G 2J3
(416) 324-2222    FAX 324-6345

Address all correspondence to:
Wm. J. McCormack
Chief of Police
The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto

Please reply attention

File No. ...................

February 15, 1993


Chair Susan Eng
Police Services Board


William J. McCormack
Chief of Police


Junger/Whitehead Review of Disciplinary Matters

For information


At its November 5, 1992 meeting, the Board requested me to review and respond to comments made in the correspondence from Mr. Michael Hines, of Hicks, Morley, Hamilton, Steward, Storie, Barristers & Solicitors, and Mr. Martin Peters, of Shibley Righton, Barristers & Solicitors, in relations to the Junger/Whitehead Inquiry. (Board Minute #C363 refers.)

The Board further requested that I state my intentions regarding further investigations and discipline of other officers indicated in the documents.

The Board also asked that I clearly state the rationale for any of my decisions made in each case.

The Board further advised me that any imposition of discipline should include consideration of informal discipline.

Acting Staff Inspector Steven Reesor of Internal Audit and Policing Standards was directed by me, to conduct an investigation in relations to the other officers involved in the Junger/Whitehad case, as outlined in the advice document of Mr. Hines.

I also directed Acting Staff Inspector Reesor to investigate the possibility of laying criminal charges against Polic Constable Brian Whitehead, as outlined in the advice document of Mr. Peters.

Special meetings of the Professional Standards Review Committee were called to discuss the Junger/Whitehead review of disciplinary matters based on Mr. Hines's report and the investigation conducted by Acting Staff Inspector S. Reesor.

The minutes of the Professional Standards Review Committee, as they relate to the Committee's reasoning and assessment of Mr. Hines' report and A/Staff Inspector Reesor's investigation, are attached.

I concur with the findings of the committee and the rationale expressed by both Mr. Hines and the committee as it relates to the conduct of officers involved in the Junger/Whitehead Inquiry.

I have reviewed the issues with the members of the P.S.R.C, considering their advice, and recognizing that the procedural directives now in place as a result of the inquiry's recommendations were grey areas during the pivotal time periods, I have taken the following action:

Superintendent Edward Hill (979) :

Assessed three days off

Superintendent Aidan Maher (1249) :


Staff Inspector Alan Griffiths (1146) :


Inspector Roy Pilkington (4583) :

Assessed three days off

Detective Sergeant Donald Caisse (1942) :


Detective Sergeant James Shannon (1813) :
Assessed three days off

All of the involved officers had the opportunity to dispute my findings. They have unanimously decided, as professionals, to accept my punishment and move on.

Attached please find correspondence from the Director of Criminal Prosecutions, Mr. Brian Trafford (July 26, 1991) and Mr. Michael Brown, Counsel, Office of the Director of Criminal Prosecutions, Ministry of the Attorney General (January 13, 1993).

Both letters speak to the issue of laying criminal charges against Constable Brian Whitehead and conclude that it is neither the wish of Jane Doe, nor is it in the public interest to pursue this course of action.

Yours truly,
William McCormack
William McCormack
Chief of Police

Jane Doe... [Next] [Junger Inquiry] [Gov. Reports]

Created: August 15, 1999
Last modified: August 16, 1999

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