Newsclippings from the "Balcony Rapist" Case
Listing last updated: May 2, 2003
1991: Jane Doe Can Sue Police
1997: Jane Doe Trial
Losing her faith, but finding herself: Jane Doe lawsuit calls cops on their attitudes towards Church & Wellesley
Xtra!, September 11 - 18, 1997
If only we knew then what we know now...
Toronto Sun, September 16, 1997
Tiny details chill as woman relives knifepoint rape
Toronto Star, September 16, 1997
Rape victim warned not to go public: Police told her women would get hysterical, court hears
Toronto Star, September 16, 1997
Victim raped 'a day early': Cop knew serial attacker in area, court told
Toronto Sun, September 16, 1997
Ex-chief rued lack of warning: 'Should have been' Balcony Rapist alert, trial told
Toronto Sun, September 17, 1997
Jane Doe can't have it both ways
Toronto Sun, September 17, 1997
Shrink rapped on Doe report: Analysis commissioned by cops 'skewed'
Toronto Sun, September 19, 1997
Psychiatric profile on Jane Doe called cruel: Victim's MD slams report done for police
Toronto Star, September 19, 1997
Officer: Jane Doe Rape Case A Success -- Cop tells trial manhunt had to be "low key" to trap attacker
Toronto Sun, September 23, 1997
8 minutes show a cop's concern
Toronto Sun, September 24, 1997
Officer linked rapes before attack on Doe: Few details released for fear suspect would flee, court told
Toronto Star, September 23, 1997
Rape detective denies Jane Doe used as bait: Ex-officer testifies investigation did not put women in danger
Toronto Star, September 24, 1997
1998: Jane Doe Decision
Balcony rapist decision due: Jane Doe suit says police negligence led to 1986 rape
Toronto Star, July 3, 1998
Jane Doe merits apology, force told: Police board member speaks out, but chair remains cautious
Toronto Star, July 7, 1998
Police must act on Jane Doe ruling (Editorial)
Toronto Star, July 7, 1998
Council considers review of police: Jane Doe verdict prompts focus on women, violence
Toronto Star, July 8, 1998
Police urged to accept Doe verdict
Toronto Star, July 9, 1998
Gardner regrets rape remark: Feels bad about Jane Doe comments
Toronto Sun, July 9, 1998
'Sorry' just isn't good enough
Toronto Sun, July 9, 1998
Jane Doe gets apology
Toronto Star, July 10, 1998
Police chief kept in dark over insurer in Doe case: Taxpayers' money to pay woman who sued police
Toronto Star, July 10, 1998
Board left in dark on suit, Gardner says: Police chair says he should have been in on Doe strategy
Toronto Star, July 13, 1998
Police board lacks strong leadership (Editorial)
Toronto Star, July 13, 1998
Police Board backs off on apology to Jane Doe: Wording must be careful because of liability worries, Gardner says
Toronto Star, July 16, 1998
Apology to women leaves men out in cold (Letters to the Editor)
Toronto Star, July 16, 1998
Handshake seals apology to Jane Doe
Toronto Star, July 17, 1998
Jane Doe gets apology from Chief of Police: Boothby expresses regret for suffering
Globe and Mail, July 17, 1998
The risk of rape (Letters to the Editor)
Globe and Mail, July 20, 1998
Police chiefs want appeal of Doe case: Association says front-line officers will bear verdict
Toronto Star, July 23, 1998
Rape victims rate police performance
Toronto Star, July 23, 1998
Jane Doe appeal condemned: Councilors reject suggestion in letter to police board
Toronto Star, July 28, 1998
Doe appeal pushed: Police lawyers to brief council
Toronto Sun, July 28, 1998
No appeal in Jane Doe case: Wouldn't serve interests of taxpayers, police board decides
Toronto Star, July 30, 1998
Jane Doe offers her thanks and a gift: Council touched by her good humour
Toronto Star, July 31, 1998
Doe deadline passes without appeal
Toronto Star, August 5, 1998
Bravery, tenacity should net honours for Jane Doe
Toronto Star, August 7, 1998
Legal system hurts rape victims: Doe -- Warning issued by woman who sued police
Toronto Star, October 23, 1998
Jane Doe deserves praise, not attack
Toronto Star, November 4, 1998
1998: Jane Doe Woman of the Year
1999: Jane Doe in the News
2003: Jane Doe in the News
SuperJane: It's a bird, it's a plane, it's the woman who took on the Toronto police and won, writes LEAH McLAREN
Globe and Mail, April 19, 2003
Don't mess with me: Book review
Globe and Mail, April 19, 2003