Gay Men's Health Crisis, NYC

November 5, 1993

Mr. Andrew Sorfleet
P.O. Box 1143, Station F
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2T8

Dear Andrew:

I want to express my appreciation not only for your excellent presentation at the plenary session during the hustler network conference but also for your strong presence all through the event. You helped many of the service providers and researchers see the issues confronting sex workers in both a different and clearer fashion. And I meant it when I said that I was glad the proposal the caucus offered on Saturday engendered so much controversy. I think whatever sturm und drang we experienced was absolutely necessary in order to build cohesion among a very diverse group of people. It seems to me that almost everyone left feeling energized and focused about the work to come, and I believe we made a strong start toward developing a viable network.

Gerry Pearlberg will be completing a summary of the conference proceedings in the next month, and that will be forwarded to you. In the interim, we plan to furnish copies of the regional work group plans to members of those groups at some point next week. David and I will be talking with you and Danny shortly about our next steps.

Again, many thanks for your effort.

Steven Humes

Steven Humes, MPH
Director, AIDS Prevention and Training

129 WEST 20TH STREET   *   NEW YORK, N.Y. 1001-0022   *   212-807-6664   FAX 212-337-3656
Andy's Resumé... [Andy Sorfleet] [the Walnuts]

Created: September 30, 1999
Last modified: January 3, 2000
Walnet Walnet Institute
Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710