Commercial Sex Information Service CSIS

NEWS CLIPPINGS Listing last updated: April 10, 1998

Police misconduct and prostitution

  • Thank you VPS and XTRA WEST
    Letter to XTRA! West regarding police brutality.

  • Junger Whitehead Inquiry
    Toronto, Ontario, 1990-1993

    "Who would you believe, a police chief or a prostitute?"
    -- Metro Police Chief William McCormack

    In 1989, Constable Gordon Junger signed a secret deal where he agreed to resign in order to avoid prosecution for running an escort service in 1989. The story came to light when his former girlfriend approached the Toronto Star in an attempt to have audio tapes of phone conversations with Junger returned to her from internal affairs of the Metro Toronto Police force.

  • The Case against Constable Jeffery Gateman
    London, Ontario, 1994-1996

    Const. Gateman, a four year member of London police, was arrested after a 17-year-old escort alleged she was forced to submit to oral, anal and vaginal sex.

  • The Case against former constables Rodney Pugh and Gordon Trumbley
    Toronto, Ontario, 1990

    Robin Gardner Voce committed suicide before she was ever able to tell her story in court about how two officers extorted sex from her in their cruiser in an underground parking lot.

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Created: February 5,1997
Last modified: April 10, 1998

CSIS Commercial Sex Information Service
Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710