Today's Specials
Menu last updated March 24, 2001
- Check out the new Whorelover T-Shirt! Order yours today
- Parti Populaire Des Putes (PPP)
A Montreal prostitutes' rights group (Coalition pour les droits des travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe) has formed a federal political party to advance its cause. Tel: +1 (514) 285-1599
- M is for Mutual, A is for Acts: Male Sex Work and AIDS in Canada. By Dan Allman. Aussi en français! A pour Actes, M pour Mutuels: Le travail du sexe au masculin et le sida au Canada. Par Dan Allman.
A comprehensive literature review of all the Canadian research that includes data on male sex workers. Co-published by Health Canada, AIDS Vancouver, University of Toronto and the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver!
- Trials of the Sex Trade: A survival guide to Canada's legal jungle The entire set of booklets is now available in PDF!
Produced in Toronto, this six-booklet set explains in plain English exactly how Canadian laws make most ways of working in the sex trade illegal.
- The Commercial Sex Information Service gets news coverage in the Toronto Sun! Hall of fame for Canada's hookers (June 6, 2000)
- KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Part I: Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms, Constitution Act, 1982.
Excerpted from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms: A Guide for Canadians. © Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1982.
- "Secure Care" Provincial Child Prostitute Protection Legislation, 1998-2001.
Over the past three years there has been an unforeseen bout of cooperation between the provinces of Canada to stamp out "child prostitution," fuelled by Cherry Kingsley and Senator Landon Pearson's Save the Children Canada. Since 1998, several provinces have passed or drafted legislation which allows them to apprehend and detain any person under the age of 18 years who is suspected of being involved in prostitution. In the absence of any criminal charges and with no judicial trial process, young people can be arrested, incarcerated and forcibly tested and/or treated for alcohol and drugs clearly an infringement of this country's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. "Secure care" legislation has already been passed in Alberta, and British Columbia and is soon to take effect in Ontario. Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nova Scotia are considering similar legislation.
- CSIS has started a new section Court Records
Transcripts from trials that involve laws which prohibit sex work.
- Whores in Art!
Paintings by such masters as Henri de Toulouse-Latrec, Eugène Delacroix and Luca Signorelli.
- Male Sex Work Bibliography
Fiction, video, autobiographies, erotica, research and more
- Girl Show: In the Canvas World of Bump and Grind By Al Stencell. (Excerpts and photos)
Girls! Girls! Girls! The carnivals, the girls, and the scams a journey back through time to the glory years of traveling adult entertainment. Many of these photos have never been seen before, and no one has published a book exclusively devoted to the women (and men) who performed in Girl Shows
- Ever wonder who's behind the Commercial Sex Information Service? Webmaster Andy Sorfleet bares all as "Pete" for Trailboys!
A web magazine with the theme of gay sex outdoors and other public places. Explicit, sexy pics!
- Pamela George: Miscarriage of Justice. See also, newsclippings about the case.
Steven Kummerfield, left, and Alexander Ternowetsky. 1997 (Canadian Press) |
In December 1996, Pamela Jean George, a 28-year-old mother of two, was beaten to death. Steven Kummerfield and Alex Ternowetsky were convicted by jury of manslaughter for the murder and sentenced to 6½ years each by Justice Ted Malone. Judge Malone instructed the jury to remember that George was "indeed a prostitute," when considering whether she consented to the sexual assault. The issue of consent was important in determining whether the young men should be convicted of manslaughter rather than first-degree murder. Ternowetsky hid in the trunk of the car when they picked Pam George up, so that she wouldn't know that there were two of them. She was beaten so badly that her family couldn't open the casket for her funeral. The manslaughter conviction was appealed by Crown prosecutor Matt Miazga. Kummerfield was paroled November 10, 2000, after serving just under four years in New Brunswick, because officials feared for his safety in a Saskatchewan prison where there is a large Native population. He is now living in a half-way house in Vancouver. Ternowetsky was granted day parole in August. You can make donations to the trust fund set up for her two young sons.