Danny - Newsboy at
The Body Politic
Danny was a news reporter for TBP from early 1982 until early 1985 and off and on while he travelled. He also appeared on the cover three times.
Ryerson group launches newsletter as protest,
The Body Politic No. 82 April, 1982, p. 10
- Mandatory VD testing dropped,
The Body Politic No. 83 May, 1982, p. 11
- Curfew imposed on Pride Day party,
The Body Politic No. 84 June 1982, p. 16
- Mother's knows best,
The Body Politic No. 85 July/August, 1982 p. 9.
- New charges on washroom beat,
The Body Politic No. 85 July/August, 1982 p. 10.
- Editor calls for halt to lesbian ad debate,
The Body Politic No. 85 July/August, 1982 p. 14.
- Rights not infringed by lengthy trial delay,
The Body Politic No. 87 October 1982, p. 16
- Oh! Nudity! Not in Toronto!,
The Body Politic No. 87 October 1982, p. 16
- Gay Olympic games: sweat and fun, despite injunction,
The Body Politic No. 88 November 1982, p. 12
- Metro committee to monitor "acceptability" of art,
The Body Politic No. 89 December 1982, p. 13
- City prostitution law overturned by court,
The Body Politic No. 91 March 1983, p. 17
- Mounties confiscate books, mags,
The Body Politic No. 94 June 1983, p. 12
- Anti-soliciting amendment stalled,
The Body Politic No. 96 September 1983, p. 14
- Violence: what's the price of "protection"?,
The Body Politic No. 99 December 1983, p. 9
- Pressing and persistent. Controlling prostitution:Who wants to? And why? An analysis,
The Body Politic No. 100 Jan./Feb. 1984. p. 7.
- Street life versus sterility: the battle for St. Joseph St.,
The Body Politic No. 100 Jan./Feb. 1984. pp. 8-9
- Out of the Closet & Out in the Cold
The Body Politic No. 110 Jan. 1985. p. ?.
