Danny Cockerline & Edna Barker at Chris Bearchell's birthday party on Toronto Island 1991 or1992.
Danny Cockerline & Edna Barker at Chris Bearchell's birthday party on Toronto Island 1991 or 1992. PHOTO: Irit Shimrat.
Danny Cockerline
1960 - 1995

Site last updated: January 23, 2000

A Tribute

Danny Cockerline was very productive for one whose life was so brief. His contributions to this world were rich and many. This web of pages is a list of Danny's accomplishments which continues to grow as his friends and colleagues donate information to it.

Big Thanks — To all those who contributed documents, information and photos including: Chris Bearchell, Irit Shimrat, Rick Bébout, Dolores French, Konnie Reich, Alan McGinty, Dr. Rob Riley, Tracy Quan and Andrew Sorfleet.

[the Walnuts] [Whore Heroes]

Created: May 7, 1996
Last modified: April 11, 2001
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