Walnet Traffic Report -- July 1998

For the period of February/March, Walnet served 130,388 pages. For the period of May/June, Walnet served 140,126. Walnet served a total number of 93,880 pages during the month of July. These are all the access logs we have for 1998 so far. Walnet served a total of 364,394 pages during the five months covered in these logs. As of October 1 (1998) there were 1,100 pages on Walnet, 750 of which are on CSIS.

For the month of July:

  Period: Total Walnet  SWAV index  NSWP index  S. Davis  Trials
 Feb/Mar:      130,388      13,091       8,226     5,308   3,477
 May/Jun:      140,126      14,781       9,792     5,979   3,469
    July:       93,880       8,882       6,771     3,297   1,698
5m Total:      364,394      36,754      24,789    14,584   8,644

  Period:   CSIS index   Main Menu  Specials  Services   Escorts
 Feb/Mar:       12,278       5,165     3,945     2,798     1,938
 May/Jun:       12,691       5,452     3,883     2,987     1,896
    July:        8,832       3,633     2,683     1,942     1,198
5m Total:       33,801      14,250    10,511     7,727     5,032

                July 1998   July 1997   July 1996
      Pages:       93,880      36,308       8,927
 % increase:         259%        306%

(50) Top Countries - July, 1998
 Requests*   %       Bytes    %   Sessions**       Country
          Requests*         Bytes                         
   75,778    21.3%  428.5M  19.7%    7,752 [UNRESOLVED IP]
   88,260    24.8%  554.3M  25.4%    2,583         Network
   81,471    22.9%  540.2M  24.8%    2,492   US Commercial
    9,812     2.8%   64.5M   3.0%      850  US Educational
    1,663     0.5%   10.3M   0.5%      181 US Organization
      871     0.2%    5.7M   0.3%       93   US Government
      638     0.2%    3.3M   0.1%       75     US Military
    1,346     0.4%    9.1M   0.4%      145             USA
   29,853     8.4%  188.8M   8.7%    1,784          Canada
  213,914    60.2% 1376.2M  63.2%    8,203 Total N.America***
    9,733     2.7%   53.6M   2.5%      901 Korea, Republic
    7,491     2.1%   39.2M   1.8%      683           Japan
    5,854     1.6%   34.8M   1.6%      555        Malaysia
    3,868     1.1%   25.1M   1.2%      435       Australia
    3,228     0.9%   16.7M   0.8%      324         Germany
    2,994     0.8%   14.3M   0.7%      237           China
    2,891     0.8%   21.4M   1.0%      358       Singapore
    2,595     0.7%   17.0M   0.8%      300  United Kingdom
    2,186     0.6%   15.9M   0.7%      213          Sweden
    1,635     0.5%    7.0M   0.3%      207     Netherlands
    1,391     0.4%    7.7M   0.4%      139          Israel
    1,387     0.4%    5.4M   0.2%      169           Italy
    1,096     0.3%    6.1M   0.3%      126          France
    1,096     0.3%    6.7M   0.3%      117          Mexico
    1,050     0.3%    5.9M   0.3%      106         Finland
      932     0.3%    5.6M   0.3%      140     Switzerland
      922     0.3%    3.7M   0.2%      114          Norway
      916     0.3%    5.7M   0.3%       78         Bahrain
      876     0.2%    4.2M   0.2%       86     Russian Fed
      823     0.2%    4.9M   0.2%      106           India
      822     0.2%    4.3M   0.2%       89         Belgium
      799     0.2%    3.2M   0.1%       97          Poland
      787     0.2%    4.8M   0.2%       79          Turkey
      770     0.2%    3.7M   0.2%       98        Thailand
      696     0.2%    3.4M   0.2%       68          Taiwan
      673     0.2%    3.2M   0.1%       84     New Zealand
      581     0.2%    3.7M   0.2%       79           Spain
      561     0.2%    2.4M   0.1%       51          Greece
      557     0.2%    3.3M   0.2%       70         Denmark
      462     0.1%    2.4M   0.1%       63          Brazil
      435     0.1%    2.7M   0.1%       36           Egypt
      420     0.1%    2.3M   0.1%       52       Indonesia
      391     0.1%    2.6M   0.1%       61    South Africa
      343     0.1%    1.5M   0.1%       39         Austria
      336     0.1%    1.4M   0.1%       43         Ireland
      331     0.1%    1.2M   0.1%       41        Portugal
      329     0.1%    1.9M   0.1%       41       Argentina
      302     0.1%    2.2M   0.1%       40            Oman
      242     0.1%    1.0M   0.0%       26          Kuwait
      224     0.1%    1.5M   0.1%       18           Chile
      216     0.1%  825.5K   0.0%       21        Slovenia
    3,458     1.0%   20.1M   0.9%      428          Others
    3,126     0.9%   19.1M   0.9%      201         Average
  356,391   100.0%    2.1G 100.0%   22,973          Totals

* Requests represents requests for all files including image files, buttons etc. as well as html pages.
** "Sessions" = visits
*** (Mostly North America, there are ".net" domains in the Netherlands for instance.)

[97 Walnut] [Members] [Traffic Statistics]

Created: October 3, 1998
Last modified: January 3, 2000

Walnet Walnet Institute
Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710
Email: info@walnet.org