Other News Stories About the
Metro Toronto Police Force
Listing last updated: August 26, 2001
2001: Miscellaneous
115 criminal cases scrapped in police probe: Toronto union angry that RCMP heading inquiry
Toronto Star, August 17, 2001
Chief calls in RCMP to probe Toronto police
Globe and Mail, August 16, 2001
RCMP probes Toronto police corruption: Senior Mountie heads inquiries into disgraced drug squad
Toronto Star, August 16, 2001
Beaten The Thomas Kerr Case (The Fifth Estate)
Canadian Broadcasting Corp., March 28, 2001
- Kerr Inquiry (PDF): kerr-inquiry.pdf.
Read the secret MTPF internal inquiry report.
Chief Fantino has his way with reporters: They fall for vague gang-threat fears
NOW Magazine, February 1, 2001
2000: Miscellaneous
Fantino rips watchdog Current SIU may not be effective, efficient: Chief
Toronto Sun, December 22, 2000
Race relations on mend: Police boss
Toronto Sun, December 22, 2000
Cops acquitted in father-son shooting after short jury deliberation
Canadian Press, December 20, 2000
'You don't fight with the police
Toronto Star, December 20, 2000
3 officers cleared in Romagnuolo death Jurors reach verdicts after 13 hours of deliberations
Toronto Star, December 20, 2000
'I'm not stepping down Got that?'
Toronto Star, February 10, 2000
Chief orders probe into Kerr allegation: Deputy charges union tried to blackmail him into retirement
Toronto Star, February 4, 2000
Deputy police chief says he fears Bromell: Kerr worries about possible smear campaign
Globe and Mail, February 3, 2000
Support waning, but Bromell is a survivor: It may not be easy to oust him from powerful position
Toronto Star, January 29, 2000
Fantino faces gay critics: Chief-to-be criticized for vague replies
Toronto Star, January 27, 2000
Police union to sue Sgro: MP's harassment claims 'false and defamatory'
Toronto Star, January 26, 2000
2000: True Blue Fundraising Campaign
It's the police, and they want money: Will the body that oversees the Toronto force order the police union to end its unacceptable tactics?
Globe and Mail, January 26, 2000
A $25 ticket to a police state: Ominous decal campaign strikes a blow against democratic ideals
Globe and Mail, January 26, 2000
City to check legality of police fundraising drive: 'We've done nothing wrong,' union president declares; 'the money is pouring in' to telephone campaign
Globe and Mail, January 26, 2000
Showdown! Police chief threatens union boss over True Blue fundraising scheme: Lastman called to play referee in volatile dispute
Toronto Star, January 27, 2000
Police union slammed by council: True Blue campaign makes them see red
Toronto Star, January 28, 2000
New bylaw bans True Blue: But Mayor Mel Lastman says, 'I think there's going to be a real battle. I'm just afraid of that. I was hoping we could get it done peacefully
People in Toronto love our police, they respect our police. I just want it to stay that way'
Toronto Star, January 29, 2000
"Operation True Blue": The Toronto Police Association Response
Toronto Star, January 30, 2000
Back off or be sued, police union tells board: True Blue continues but decals won't be traded for cash
Toronto Star, February 1, 2000
Boothby orders charges: Cop union execs face discipline over True Blue standoff
Toronto Sun, February 1, 2000
Operation Trouble Editorial
Globe and Mail, February 1, 2000
'It's war' if chief charges police union
National Post, February 1, 2000
Police union crosses the line
Toronto Star, February 1, 2000
City hall's True Blue blame game: Gardner, mayor say council should have stayed out of it
Toronto Star, February 2, 2000
Police board kills secret deal to end its battle with union: Tory minister and judge set up meeting of True Blue opponents
Toronto Star, February 3, 2000
The gag is off: Following a court ruling that he was not in a conflict of interest Mayor Mel Lastman broke his silence on the police union fundraising issue with his speech to city council
Toronto Star, February 4, 2000
Mayor trains anger on police union: Lastman accuses group of tainting Toronto force
Toronto Star, February 4, 2000
'Bullying' police union blasted by Lastman: Mayor vents anger after True Blue campaign called off
Toronto Star, February 4, 2000
True Blue still headed for court: Police board wants end to all fundraising
Toronto Star, February 5, 2000
Bromell backs down gracelessly (Editorial)
Toronto Star, February 5, 2000
Police campaign raises $306,000: But union can keep only 20% of take
Toronto Star, February 10, 2000
Police board can't seek donations either: union Choppers for Coppers: True Blue supporters say civilian overseers not playing fair
National Post, March 6, 2000
1999: Miscellaneous
Mischief?: To the shock of many, devious process lands police hard-ass Julian Fantino the top job
NOW Magazine, December 2-8, 1999
Fantino denies deal made with police union
National Post, December 1, 2000
Something smells pretty rotten about Fantino's appointment
Globe and Mail, November 30, 1999
Was there a deal?: Sources say union wants deputy badge
Toronto Sun, November 30, 1999
New chief was always right choice
National Post, November 29, 2000
Fantino chosen Toronto's top cop: Next chief moves fast to soften tough image
Globe and Mail, November 29, 1999
Fantino is named city's new police chief: Announcement comes after day of interviews with candidates
Toronto Star, November 29, 1999
Blair best choice for police chief (Editorial)
Toronto Star, November 27, 1999
Fantino met gays
Toronto Sun, November 26, 1999
Lefty councillor in cop kerfuffle
NOW Magazine, November 11-17, 1999
Gays no fans of Fantino: 'Would set back relations 20 years' if chosen top cop
Toronto Sun, November 8, 1999
Fantino set to be police chief: He's a certainty to be voted in, sources say
Toronto Star, November 5, 1999
'Pirates' steal Toronto's cash, Lastman says: Mayor's first day on police board a real eye-opener
Toronto Star, October 20, 1999
Is Julian Fantino The Police Chief Toronto Needs?: He'd rein in the renegade cop union, but it's the other stuff that makes him scary
NOW Magazine, October 7-13, 1999
Lastman favours a chief from the ranks
Globe and Mail, September 30, 1999
Mayor: I prefer T.O. cop for chief: Wants to hire 'from within'
Toronto Sun, September 30, 1999
Lastman to put himself on police services board
Globe and Mail, September 28, 1999
Mayor joins police board: Lastman to help choose new chief and pare costs
Toronto Star, September 28, 1999
Budget crunch raises chief's ire: Police can't find savings requested by board, Boothby says
Toronto Star, September 24, 1999
Mayor eyes police board position
Globe and Mail, September 18, 1999
Mayor considers police board seat Jakobek covets: City budget chief has questioned force's spending decisions
Toronto Star, September 18, 1999
Cops score big with terrorism
NOW Magazine, September 16-22, 1999
Putting the cuffs on the mistruths from McCormack
NOW Magazine, August 12-18, 1999
Police union wants two senior officers punished: Complaint relates to indecent act charges aganst patrons of gay bar
National Post, August 11, 1999
Police make secret deal with gay bars: Toronto officers told to ignore graphic sex acts
National Post, August 10, 1999
The dirty-tricks man: Toronto-born Marcel Wieder is revealed as the mind behind recent controversial political campaigns in Ontario. Is he depressed? Naaah
Globe and Mail, August 8, 1999
NOW goes after ex-chief
NOW Magazine, August 5-11, 1999
Cops overworked
The Province, July 28, 1999
Union slams police board: Fighting hinders watchdog role, Bromell says
Toronto Star, July 20, 1999
Police watchdog vindicates union, president says: Toronto chief counters that main beef about force discipline not proven
Toronto Star, July 15, 1999
Police brass slammed on discipline: Watchdog finds many problems within force
Toronto Star, July 14, 1999
Police chiefs blast the SIU: Fantino vows to fight for watchdog review
Toronto Star, June 28, 1999
Boothby takes aim at bosses: Senior officers 'demoralized' by criticism
Toronto Star, June 25, 1999
Gardner to battle association over poster
Toronto Star, June 25, 1999
'Challenging time' ahead as Chow joins police board: As a member, she'll seek answers from the inside
Toronto Star, June 22, 1999
Lastman intervenes as uproar grows over police election poster
Globe and Mail, June 2, 1999
Police union ad incites hatred, ethnic groups say: Hispanic community 'deeply hurt' by gang poster
Toronto Star, June 2, 1999
Offensive campaign ad (Editorial)
Toronto Star, June 1, 1999
Police stand firm on poster: No apology for depiction of Hispanics
Toronto Star, May 31, 1999
Tame streets made mean by cop cabal
Toronto Star, May 31, 1999
Watchdog urged officer face charges: Instead, transfer followed allegation of misconduct
Toronto Star, May 27, 1999
Police brass face $8 million sexual misconduct suit: Officer alleges silent conspiracy
Toronto Star, May 26, 1999
Police shake-up needed (Editorial) (Editorial)
Toronto Star, May 20, 1999
Toronto police board plans shakeup: Proposals calls for fewer deputies, promotion freeze
Toronto Star, May 15, 1999
Chief's exit a victory for Bromell
Toronto Star, May 10, 1999
Police Chief Boothby to step down
Globe and Mail, May 7, 1999
Police chief says he's retiring: Boothby shocks dinner guests by announcing Feb. 28 last day
Toronto Star, May 7, 1999
Fantino calls for revamp in way SIU probes police: Law treats officers like criminals, York chief says
Toronto Star, May 7, 1999
Chow to join police services board: Proposed slate of appointments upsets councillors
Toronto Star, May 6, 1999
Fair treatment (Editorial)
Toronto Star, April 28, 1999
Report likens strip searches to sex assault: Board member recommends that police use of the procedure be severely limited
Globe and Mail, April 20, 1999
Vocal police union vows to flex muscle: Combative leader looks at alliance with 'aggressive' U.S. law enforcement coalition
Toronto Star, April 17, 1999
Union seeks Boothby probe: Police chief accused of denying promotions
Toronto Star, April 16, 1999
Methadone users say program lists available to police: Confidential information is being leaked recovering drug addicts in Ontario say
Globe and Mail, March 15, 1999
Police dismiss strip-search complaint: Angry British lawyer vows he won't be back
Globe and Mail, March 5, 1999
Grateful gays gaga over Norm Gardner: Professionals titillated at getting audience with a man of power
NOW Magazine, February 11 - 17, 1999
1998: Ontario Police Complaints Process
Police aim to scrap complaint bureau: Critics say ending arm's length investigations a dangerous move
Toronto Star, May 28, 1998
Plan would cull bad cops: Study urges cutting deals with officers
Toronto Star, July 13, 1998
Tories reading axe for cop watchdog?: Sympathy over cop's death, union ads give Tories PR opening
NOW Magazine, August 20, 1998
Gardner cleared in secret gun probe: Police board chairman subject of cross-border investigation
Toronto Star, December 3, 1998
Gardner faces conflict questions: Cleared in probe police chair faces new queries
Toronto Star, December 4, 1998
Gardner defends gun probe actions: Police chairman 'almost forgot' interrogation
Toronto Star, December 8, 1998
Gardner's omission (Editorial)
Toronto Star, December 9, 1998
Colleagues find Gardner not in conflict: Police board chairman lashes out at 'scummy' media
Toronto Star, December16, 1998
Parallel probes don't rattle police chief, SIU: Police union's private eyes won't affect probes
Toronto Star, January 25, 1999
1998: Police Union Takes on Politicians
Ads to target 'anti-police' politicians: Cop union's campaign will emulate its media attack on SIU
Toronto Star, August 18, 1998
Police ad tactics don't faze council: Union campaign targets politicians who are seen as 'anti-police'
Toronto Star, August 19, 1998
Police union bullying (Editorial)
Toronto Star, August 19, 1998
Police union exposes its zealotry
Toronto Star, August 24, 1998
Ads could mean budget cuts, police warned: Don't bite hand that feeds you, councillor advises
Toronto Star, August 25, 1998
Police ads a go despite Lastman's concerns: Union only agrees to discuss matter with board
Toronto Star, August 26, 1998
Police union power play
Toronto Sun, August 28, 1998
Ads ready to go, police union says: Six councillors called 'bashers' could be subjects
Toronto Star, August 29, 1998
Law enforcement: Rights group takes on Toronto police union
Toronto Star, August 29, 1998
Police union ads on hold, Gardner says
Toronto Star, September 1, 1998
What Sgro said
Toronto Star, September 4, 1998
Give Sgro a break
Toronto Star, September 9, 1998
Sgro, police union conflict heats up
Toronto Star, September 11, 1998
Police union casts private eyes on SIU: Officers want their own investigations into incidents
Toronto Star, January 22, 1999
It's time to rein in police union
Toronto Star, January 25, 1999
Ouster of Sgro sends wrong message (Editorial)
Toronto Star, January 27, 1999
Sgro rakes board: Vice-chairman defiant as she faces ouster
Toronto Sun, January 27, 1999
Sgro holds on to post with police board: Outspoken councillor acclaimed as vice-chair after rival's surprise withdrawal
Globe and Mail, January 29, 1999
Gardner comes under fire: Police union drops support for chairman
Toronto Star, February 2, 1999
Grunt at the top: How did a cop who couldn't move up the ranks become such a powerful police union boss?
NOW Magazine, February 4 - 10, 1999
He's out to rearm a force under fire -- Police union leader Craig Bromell offers some advice to critics of Toronto's finest: Watch your backs
Globe and Mail, February 15, 1999
Police union officials set to lobby Toronto councillors
Toronto Star, February 24, 1999
Police union 'educates' city councillors: Officials lobby for more officers, cars, pay hikes
Toronto Star, February 25, 1999
1998: Excessive Use of Strip Searches
Watchdog presses for strip-search reforms: Police board member suggests officers will be held accountable
Globe and Mail, November 12, 1998
Strip searches -- New rules proposed: Chief Boothby urges written documentation from officers
Toronto Star, November 13, 1998
Police strip-search policies to undergo public review: Board to study chief's request for more power under the law
Toronto Star, December 16, 1998
Women still face body-cavity searches, groups say: Official story from Toronto not borne out by those who seek help from shelters, rape-crisis centres
Globe and Mail, December 16, 1998
Stripped to the truth: The evidence suggests the police use searches to humiliate, not to investigate
NOW Magazine, February 4 - 10, 1999
1991: Susan Eng Appointed to Chair of Police Board
Lawyer Susan Eng expected to head police services board
Toronto Star, March 23, 1991
Politician mount anti-Eng campaign: Would-be head of police board called "anti-cop"
Toronto Star, March 26, 1991
Police morale may fall under Eng officer says
Toronto Star, March 27, 1991
Premier endorses Eng despite police furor
Toronto Star, March 28, 1991
Panel won't rubberstamp Eng's posting, Tonks says
Toronto Star, March 28, 1991
Eng's challenge at police board
Toronto Star, March 28, 1991
Eng reveals her plan to reform Metro police
Toronto Star, March 30, 1991
Eng takes over the helm of Metro police board
Toronto Star, May 17, 1991
