Walnet Traffic Report -- 1998 Year End(Incomplete -- covering eight months of traffic between January 23 and December 30, 1998.)
1998 Walnet Data ReportDuring 1998 we encountered some difficulties with our access logs. We are missing statistics for four months, January, April, August and September. Other months (February/March and May/June) were lumped together in the log analysis. For this reason they are also lumped together in this report.For the eight months we have records for, Walnet served 16,165 Mbytes of information, averaging 70 Mbytes a day.
========================== DAILY MONTH: MBYTES MBYTES -------------------------- Feb/Mar: 3,098 45 May/Jun: 3,553 67 Jul: 2,179 66 Oct: 2,638 88 Nov: 2,741 91 Dec: 1,956 65 -------------------------- TOTAL: 16,165 AV: 70 ==========================
1998 Walnet Visitor ReportFor the eight months we have reports for in 1998, Walnet had 304,101 visits. During the five months we have full visitor stats available for, an average of 12.2 of the visitors were return visitors. Visitors read an average of 2.6 pages per visit.
======================================================== UNIQUE REPEAT AV. PAGES MONTH: VISITS VISITORS VISITORS % PER VISIT -------------------------------------------------------- Feb/Mar: 61,863 43,269 4,978 11.5 2.1 May/Jun: 67,386 43,868 N/A N/A N/A Jul: 47,269 27,943 3,424 12.3 2.0 Oct: 45,881 24,846 2,905 11.7 2.9 Nov: 44,629 24,472 3,165 12.9 3.0 Dec: 37,073 19,294 2,437 12.6 2.8 -------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 304,101 AVERAGE: 12.2 2.6 ========================================================
1998 Total Page Views on WalnetWalnet served a total of 738,661 pages during the eight months of 1998 covered by available access logs. This represents an increase of 118 per cent over the previous year. The total number of pages served in 1997 was 389,369. (In 1996, Walnet served a total of 160,546 pages.) From December 6, 1995 to the year end 1998, access logs have recorded a total of 1,288,576 pages served. The chart below shows a month-by-month comparison for 1998, 1997 and 1996.
============================================= WALNET TOTAL 1998 PAGE VIEWS (8 Months Only) ============================================= MONTH: 1996 1997 1998 97-98 % --------------------------------------------- Feb/Mar: 30,387 63,308 130,388 +106% May/Jun: 12,104 65,310 140,126 +115% Jul: 8,927 36,308 93,880 +159% Oct: 24,390 23,667 133,886 +466% Nov: 23,454 31,083 134,799 +334% Dec: 21,867 42,147 105,582 +151% --------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 121,129 261,823 738,661 +182% =============================================
Some Walnet HistoryWalnet's first pages -- the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver's Health Info Cards (http://www.walnet.org/csis/groups/swav/healthcards/index.html) -- have been on the Web since August 1995. The domain "Walnet.org" was registered with Internic on October 10, 1995.
The Walnet Consortium of SitesWalnet is currently the home of (domain for) seven independent, (but interwoven) sites. The largest site on Walnet (created January 1996) is the Commercial Sex Information Service (CSIS). The most popular homepage on Walnet (Walnet's first site) has consistently been the Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver (SWAV). Other sites on Walnet include: Lunatics Liberation Front (LLF), created July 1996; 97 Walnut, (which contains the Danny Cockerline (created May 1996) and Fiona Stewart memorial websites) created November 1996; Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP), created June 1996; Trailboys, created October 1998; and Jane Doe (J.D.), created February 1999.It's important to note that none of the websites on Walnet have been promoted in any way other than by submitting the URL to search engines and word of mouth. Walnet has not advertised commercially on any website or in paper publication. Walnet has not been part of any "click-thru" or banner-link exchange schemes. We have often received email, though, from webmasters informing us that they have linked to a site on Walnet.
Walnet Site GrowthIn May 1999, there were 1,450 pages under Walnet, 950 of them on CSIS. Seven months earlier (October 1998), there were 1,100 hundred pages on Walnet (750 on CSIS). January 1998 there were approximately 500 pages in the CSIS directories. March 1997 there were aproximately 252 pages on CSIS.
1998 Walnet Site Page Views================================================================= WALNET 1998 SITE HOMEPAGE VIEWS (8 Months Only) ================================================================= Period: Walnet Home SWAV Home CSIS Home NSWP Home LLF Home ----------------------------------------------------------------- Feb/Mar: 1,098 12,924 12,278 8,226 N/A May/Jun: 1,387 14,781 12,691 9,792 N/A Jul: 1,374 8,882 8,832 6,771 234 Oct: 1,065 7,917 6,951 5,134 384 Nov: 1,082 7,762 7,068 5,488 259 Dec: 938 6,596 5,164 4,176 203 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 6,944 58,862 52,984 39,587 1,080 =================================================================
Lunatics Liberation FrontThe LLF Homepage recorded 1,080 hits in eight months during 1998.It was viewed 846 times during the 1998 final quarter compared to 331 page views during the 1997 fourth quarter (an increase of 156 per cent). First posted July 4, 1996, the LLF Homepage has been viewed a total of 3,739 times as of year end, 1998. (1,773 page views in 1997, 886 in 1996.)http://www.walnet.org/llf/index.html
=============================================== LLF 1998 PAGE VIEWS (4th QUARTER) =============================================== Period: Index Menu Drugs Freedom Leeper ----------------------------------------------- Oct: 384 161 175 58 49 Nov: 259 110 96 N/A 37 Dec: 203 98 97 N/A 46 ----------------------------------------------- Total: 846 369 368 58 132 ===============================================
============================================== LLF - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Home 331 846 +156% 3,739 Menu 167 369 +121% 1,125 Leeper 37 132 +257% 167 ==============================================
97 Walnut"97 Walnut" Homepage was served 157 times in the 1998 fourth quarter, compared to 110 page views during the last quarter of 1997 (an increase of 43 per cent). First posted November 15, 1996.http://www.walnet.org/97_walnut/index.html
======================================= 97 WALNUT 1998 PAGE VIEWS (4th QUARTER) ======================================= Period: Index Walnuts Danny Fiona --------------------------------------- Oct: 65 105 169 112 Nov: 92 126 402 149 Dec: N/A 67 146 118 --------------------------------------- Total: 157 298 717 379 =======================================
============================================== 97 WALNUT - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Walnuts 94 298 +217% 591 Danny 425 717 + 69% 3,058 Fiona 171 379 +122% 1,454 ==============================================
Network of Sex Work ProjectsThe NSWP Homepage was served 39,587 times in the eight months recorded for 1998. The Homepage was viewed 14,798 times during the fourth quarter of 1998 compared with 4,022 page views during the 1997 final quarter (an increase of 268 per cent). First posted June 23, 1996, the NSWP homepage has been viewed a total of 49,034 times as of the 1998 year end. (8,854 total page views in 1997, 593 in 1996.)http://www.walnet.org/csis/groups/nswp/index.html
=============================================== NSWP 1998 PAGE VIEWS (8 Months Only) =============================================== Period: Contact MSWS Mission Conferences ----------------------------------------------- Feb/Mar: 810 1,507 N/A N/A May/Jun: 848 2,006 N/A N/A July: 512 1,288 467 N/A Oct: 431 1,141 464 167 Nov: 447 1,197 565 198 Dec: 321 941 285 119 ----------------------------------------------- Total: 3,369 8,080 1,781 2,527 ===============================================
============================================= NSWP - 4TH QUARTER COMPARISON 1997-98 ============================================= PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL --------------------------------------------- Home 4,022 14,798 +268% 49,034 Contact 426 1,199 +181% 3,795 MSWS 1,341 3,279 +145% 9,584 Mission 140 1,314 +839% 2,173 =============================================
Sex Workers Alliance of VancouverThe SWAV Homepage was served a total of 58,862 times in (eight months of) 1998. The Homepage was viewed 22,275 during the last quarter, 1998, compared to 8,472 page views during the 1997 fourth quarter (an increase of 163 per cent). The SWAV Homepage has always been on Walnet through several incarnations. Access logs date from December 6, 1995. Since that time, this page has been viewed a total of 166,014 times (45,404 page views in 1997, 61,748 in 1996) as of year end 1998.http://www.walnet.org/csis/groups/swav/index.html
============================================================= SWAV 1998 PAGE VIEWS (8 Months Only) ============================================================= Period: About Myths WhoreWars Nonox Vanguard Boys ------------------------------------------------------------- Feb/Mar: 3,623 1,829 1,675 536 N/A N/A May/Jun: 3,584 1,494 1,238 522 N/A N/A July: 2,595 847 730 418 517 351 Oct: 2,101 633 584 350 889 1,016 Nov: 2,196 879 666 392 758 1,136 Dec: 1,720 704 520 309 600 766 ------------------------------------------------------------- Total: 15,81 6,386 5,413 2,527 2,764 3,269 =============================================================
============================================== SWAV - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Home 8,472 22,275 +163% 166,014 About 2,626 6,017 +129% 37,679 Myths 1,819 2,216 + 22% 12,838 WhoreWars 1,554 1,770 +839% 12,749 Nonoxynol 600 1,051 + 75% 5,351 ==============================================
Commercial Sex Information ServiceThe CSIS Hompage was served 52,984 times in 1998. There were 19,183 viewings in during the 1998 fourth quarter compared with 9,071 page views during the last quarter of 1997 (an increase of 111 per cent). First posted January 15, 1996, this page was viewed a total of 105,546 times as of 1998 year end. (38,671 page views in 1997, 13,891 in 1996.)http://www.walnet.org/csis/index.html
================================================================= CSIS 1998 PAGE VIEWS (8 Months Only) ================================================================= Period: Menu Special S.Sex People Legal Search Reports ----------------------------------------------------------------- Feb/Mar: 5,165 3,945 948 527 947 N/A N/A May/Jun: 5,452 3,883 1,019 N/A 972 N/A N/A July: 3,633 2,683 780 346 626 N/A N/A Oct: 2,974 3,645 630 348 573 164 129 Nov: 3,646 2,923 642 432 609 179 152 Dec: 2,334 3,333 552 249 499 99 136 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Total: 23,204 20,412 4,571 1,902 4,226 442 417 =================================================================
============================================== CSIS - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Home 9,071 19,183 +111% 105,546 Menu 4,484 8,954 +100% 53,174 Specials 3,781 9,901 +162% 31,576 SafeSex 759 1,824 +140% 8,056 Heroes 545 1,029 + 89% 8,960 Legal 748 1,681 +125% 11,995 Search 217 442 +104% 3,119 Reports 132 417 +216% 817 ==============================================
Trials of the Sex Trade"Trials of the Sex Trade" contents page was viewed 12,502 times during the eight months there are logs for in 1998. 3,858 page views were during the last quarter of 1998, compared with 1,920 page views during the 1997 fourth quarter an increase of 101 per cent). Since the page was posted January 15, 1996 it's been viewed a total of 16,601 times. (3,270 page views in 1997 and 829 in 1995/96.)http://www.walnet.org/csis/legal_tips/trials/index.html
========================================== TRIALS OF THE SEX TRADE 1998 PAGE VIEWS ========================================== Period: Index Trick Bawdy CopCard ------------------------------------------ Feb/Mar: 3,477 942 632 N/A May/Jun: 3,469 N/A N/A 1,186 July: 1,698 474 N/A 622 Oct: 1,321 388 306 619 Nov: 1,377 407 296 614 Dec: 1,160 341 249 462 ------------------------------------------ Total: 12,502 2,552 1,483 3,503 ==========================================
============================================== TRIALS - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Contents 1,920 3,858 +101% 16,601 TrickTrap 674 1,136 + 69% 4,445 BawdyBiz 478 851 + 78% 3,007 ==============================================
CSIS Sensual ServicesThe "Sensual Services" Index recorded 11,590 hits in the eight months of logs for 1998. During the 1998 final quarter this listing was viewed 3,863 times compared with 3,110 page views during the final quarter of 1997 (an increase of 24 per cent). First posted June 3, 1996, this page has been viewed a total of 36,904 times as of 1998 year end. (There were 16,864 page views in total during 1997, 8,450 in 1996.)http://www.walnet.org/csis/services/index.html
================================================================= CSIS SENSUAL SERVICES 1998 PAGE VIEWS (8 Months Only) ================================================================= Period: Index Escorts Van.Mass Links L.Main Novelties ----------------------------------------------------------------- Feb/Mar: 2,798 1,938 1,157 981 624 N/A May/Jun: 2,987 1,896 1,119 1,023 N/A N/A July: 1,942 1,198 669 668 401 N/A Oct: 1,446 890 484 531 292 199 Nov: 1,351 831 498 444 275 165 Dec: 1,066 763 468 400 272 145 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Total: 11,590 7,516 4,395 4,047 1,864 509 =================================================================
============================================== SERVICES - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Index 3,110 3,863 + 24% 36,904 Escorts 1,965 2,484 + 26% 19,165 VanMassage 1,152 1,450 + 26% 12,261 L.Mainland 629 839 + 33% 3,007 Novelties 299 509 + 70% 2,911 Links 1,141 1,375 + 21% 11,617 ==============================================
CSIS Rights GroupsThe "Rights Groups" index was viewed 6,060 times in 1998. It was served 3,122 during the 1998 fourth quarter compared with 557 page views during the last quarter of 1997 (an increase of 461 per cent). First posted March 9, 1996, this page has been viewed 10,896 times as of the 1998 year end. (The page was served 2,884 times in 1997 and 1,952 times in 1995/96.)http://www.walnet.org/csis/groups/index.html
================================================= CSIS GROUPS 1998 HOMEPAGE VIEWS (8 Months Only) ================================================= Period: Index SWAT Maggie's PONY COYOTE ------------------------------------------------- Feb/Mar: 862 806 917 592 448 May/Jun: 1,362 N/A 831 943 757 July: 714 503 570 629 584 Oct: 946 672 546 544 593 Nov: 1,378 819 500 510 619 Dec: 798 569 328 286 358 ------------------------------------------------- Total: 6,060 3,369 3,692 3,504 3,359 =================================================
============================================== GROUPS - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Index 557 3,122 +461% 10,896 PONY 914 1,340 + 47% 9,536 COYOTE 579 1,570 +171% 5,457 ==============================================
Maggie's, the Toronto Prostitutes' Community Service ProjectMaggie's Homepage was viewed 3,692 times in 1998. The page was viewed 1,374 times during the 1998 final quarter compared with 693 page views during the last quarter of 1997 (an increase of 98 per cent). First posted January 19, 1997, this page was viewed a total of 5,429 times as of the year end, 1998. There were 1,737 page views in 1997.)http://www.walnet.org/csis/groups/maggies/index.html
========================================== MAGGIE'S 1998 PAGE VIEWS (8 Months Only) ========================================== Period: SafeSex Manual Annual Junger ------------------------------------------ Feb/Mar: 760 N/A N/A N/A May/Jun: N/A N/A N/A N/A July: 624 N/A N/A N/A Oct: 540 132 114 96 Nov: 506 152 118 98 Dec: 376 91 55 57 ------------------------------------------ Total: 2,806 375 287 251 ==========================================
============================================== MAGGIE'S - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Home 693 1,374 + 98% 5,429 SaferSex 701 1,422 +103% 5,209 Manual 150 375 +150% 1,038 Annual 141 287 +104% 601 Junger 53 251 +374% 416 ==============================================
Sex Workers Alliance of TorontoThe SWAT Homepage received 3,369 recorded hits in 1998. It was viewed 2,060 times during the 1998 fourth quarter compared to 639 page views during the final quarter, 1997 (an increase of 222 per cent). The page was first posted September 23, 1997.http://www.walnet.org/csis/groups/swat/index.html
=========================================== SWAT 1998 PAGE VIEWS (4TH QUARTER) =========================================== Period: About History Hotels Charter ------------------------------------------- Oct: 203 167 144 127 Nov: 212 158 176 118 Dec: 116 99 95 61 ------------------------------------------- Total: 531 424 415 306 ===========================================
============================================== SWAT - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Home 639 2,060 +222% N/A History 75 424 +465% 499 Charter 163 306 + 88% 997 ==============================================
CSIS Papers (Legal Analysis)The "Legal Analysis" listing was first posted September 26, 1997. It was served 996 times during the 1998 final quarter compared to 220 page views during the fourth quarter of 1997. Total page views as of year end 1998 is 1,216.http://www.walnet.org/csis/papers/index.html
================================================================== CSIS LEGAL ANALYSIS 1998 PAGE VIEWS (8 Months Only) ================================================================== Period: Index Davis Bindman Ishida Jenkins Shaver Bastow ------------------------------------------------------------------ Feb/Mar: N/A 5,308 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A May/Jun: N/A 5,979 1,442 N/A N/A N/A N/A July: N/A 3,297 921 N/A N/A N/A N/A Oct: 331 3,592 845 123 101 83 N/A Nov: 385 4,619 1,554 134 143 101 78 Dec: 280 3,009 1,092 95 85 93 132 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 996 25,804 5,854 352 329 277 210 ==================================================================
============================================== ANALYSIS - 4TH QUARTER 1997-98 COMPARISON ============================================== PAGE 1997 1998 97-98 % TOTAL ---------------------------------------------- Index 220 996 +353% 1,216 Davis 1,497 11,220 +649% 33,560 Bindman 71 3,491 +4817% 5,925 Shaver 141 277 + 96% 418 ==============================================
1998 4th Quarter Search Engine ReportDuring the 1998 fourth quarter, Walnet served a total of 374,267 pages, an average of 124,756 pages a month. Search engine referrals (18,236) account for 4.9 per cent of the total pages served. Pages on Walnet received an average of 6,079 referrals from search engines per month. Out of the top ten search engines, Yahoo! made the most referrals to Walnet, 6,930 during the fourth quarter, 1.9 per cent of all page requests for that time period.On several of Yahoo's search engine sites, various pages from the CSIS site ranked high under the following areas:
The document listed most often on Yahoo! was "Prostitution in Canada" by Sylvia Davis which explains a bit why it was served 11,220 times (3 per cent of all page views on Walnet) during the 1998 fourth quarter).
=============================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER SEARCH ENGINE REFERRALS =============================================================== SEARCH TOTAL % TOTAL ENGINE OCT. NOV. DEC. 4TH Q PAGES --------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 7,844 5,838 4,554 18,236 4.9% --------------------------------------------------------------- search.yahoo.com 1,869 2,103 1,460 5,432 1.5% ink.yahoo.com 524 187 162 873 0.2% search.yahoo.ca 211 262 152 625 0.2% --------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL YAHOO!: 2,604 2,552 1,774 6,930 1.9% --------------------------------------------------------------- www.infoseek.com 1,087 1,368 748 3,203 0.9% guide-p.infoseek.com 35 52 28 115 0.0% --------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INFOSEEK: 1,122 1,420 776 3,318 0.9% --------------------------------------------------------------- search.excite.com 1,589 508 536 2,633 0.7% netfind.aol.com 1,378 308 661 2,347 0.6% www.lycos.com 101 217 169 487 0.1% --------------------------------------------------------------- www.altavista.com 104 88 82 274 0.1% www.altavistacanada.com 106 50 39 195 0.1% --------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALTAVISTA: 210 138 121 469 0.1% --------------------------------------------------------------- www.webcrawler.com 95 133 93 321 0.1% www.hotbot.com 79 79 106 264 0.1% search.cnet.com 0 53 19 72 0.0% www.northernlight.com 11 28 22 61 0.0% ===============================================================
1998 4th Quarter Visits by RegionDuring the fourth quarter of 1998, Walnet had a total 55,034 visits (an average of 18,345 visits a month).Aproximately 51 per cent (27,935) of those visits were from domains in North America, an average of 9,312 visits per month. Most of those visits (9,264 or 16.8 per cent) were from domains with the suffix ".com," an average of 3,088 a month. Domains with the suffix ".net" made up 16.6 per cent of visits (9,137), an average of 3,046 visits per month. Canada domains (.ca) made up 9.2 per cent of the visits (5,088) averaging 1,696 visits per month. Visits from US education domains made up 5.4 per cent of visits (2,990), an average of 997 visits a month. Visits from the region of Asia and Australasia made up 12.6 per cent (6,943) of the total fourth quarter visits, an average of 2,314 visits a month. Malaysia visits were 2.6 per cent (1,416) of the total, averaging 472 visits a month. Visits from Japan made up 2.5 per cent (1,368) of total visits, for an average of 456 per month. Republic of Korea made up for 2.3 per cent of visits (1,271) for an average of 424 visits a month. Visits from Australia made up 1.2 per cent (229 visits a month), Singapore made up 1.0 per cent, 187 visits a month. China made up 0.9 per cent, 162 visits a month; Taiwan (0.4 per cent) or 76 visits a month; India (0.4 per cent), 69 visits a month; Thailand (0.3 per cent), 63 visits a month. Other countries that visited included New Zealand, Honk Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. There were 5,159 visits ( 9.3 per cent) from Western Europe during the 1998 fourth quarter with an average of 1,720 visits a month. The most visits were from Sweden (1,053, 1.9 per cent) with an average of 351 visits a month. United Kingdom visits totalled 830 (1.5 per cent) averaging 277 visits a month. Germany visits made up 1.1 per cent 9592) of the total, for an average of 197 visits each month. Visits from the Netherlands made up 0.9 per cent (468), an average of 156 a month. France visited 98 times a month (0.5 per cent of total visits). There were 85 Italian visits per month, and 84 visits a month from Norway. There were also visits from Portugal, Spain, Austria, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Belgium, Iceland, Greenland, Malta and Gibralter. Visits from Eastern Europe (702) made up 1.3 per cent of visits to Walnet -- an average of 234 a month. Poland visited 58 times a month (.03 per cent), Russian Federation made 45 visits a month; Hungary made 20 visits monthly; Croatia, 16 visits a month; Slovenia 13 monthly visits; Czech Republic, 12 visits and Ukraine, 10 visits per month. There were also visits from Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Slovak Republic, Bosnia Herzogovena, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia and Byelorussian. There were 729 visits (1.3 per cent of total) from the Middle East this quarter. There were 87 visits a month from Isreal (0.5 per cent), 74 visits from Bahrain a month, 39 visits a month from Turkey, 24 visits a month from Oman and 14 a month from the United Arab Emirates. There were also visits from Qatar, Cyprus, Jordon, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Kuwait, Iran and Armenia. Visits from Central and South America totalled 304 during the 1998 fourth quarter (0.6 per cent of Walnet visits), an average of 101 visits monthly. Brazil made 35 visits a month, 24 visits a month from Argentina, 9 visits a month from Columbia, 8 visits a month from Chile and 5 a month from Venezuela. There were also visits from Dominican Republic, Uraguay, Peru, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Ecuador. African visits totalled 199 fourth quarter, 0.4 per cent of all visits to Walnet. South Africa made up the bulk of these visits with an average of 42 visits monthly (0.4 per cent). Egypt made 14 visits a month and Mauritius visited twice a month. There were also visits from Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Ethiopia, Zambia, Morocco, Kenya, Burkina Faso and Togo.. There were also visits from Island nations throughout the Caribbean, South Atlantic and South Pacific. These included Trinidad and Tobago (5 visits a month), Bermuda (4 monthly visits), Barbados, Bahamas, Jamaica, Caymen Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, US Virgin Islands and Niue.
================================================== ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - GRAND TOTAL* ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 15,464 20,619 18,951 55,034 100% -------------------------------------------------- * Although "Adv Proj Res Agency," and "local net" are not listed in these domain suffix tables, they are included in the grand total. ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - UNRESOLVED IP ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- ??? : 2,291 5,874 4,827 12,992 23.6% ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - NORTH AMERICA** ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- .com : 2,212 3,276 3,776 9,264 16.8% .net : 2,340 3,231 3,566 9,137 16.6% .ca : 1,665 1,875 1,548 5,088 9.2% .edu : 1,026 1,129 835 2,990 5.4% .org : 181 144 141 466 0.8% .us : 144 164 140 448 0.8% .mx : 93 79 81 253 0.5% .gov : 60 45 53 158 0.3% .mil : 51 43 37 131 0.2% -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 7,772 9,986 10,177 27,935 50.8% -------------------------------------------------- ** Mostly North America (there are .net domains in the Netherlands for instance.) ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - ASIA & AUSTRALASIA ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- .my : 516 492 408 1,416 2.6% .jp : 503 462 403 1,368 2.5% .kr : 588 299 384 1,271 2.3% .au : 300 212 174 686 1.2% .sg : 218 207 135 560 1.0% .cn : 178 186 122 486 0.9% .tw : 78 104 46 228 0.4% .in : 70 72 65 207 0.4% .th : 78 60 52 190 0.3% .nz : 51 51 48 150 0.3% .id : 47 56 27 130 0.2% .hk : 28 20 28 76 0.1% .ph : 12 16 22 50 0.1% .pk : 16 17 15 48 0.1% .vn : 33 6 0 39 0.1% .bn : 7 5 3 15 0.0% .lk : 3 3 2 8 0 .mv : 0 3 2 5 0 .np : 0 2 1 3 0 .kz : 1 1 0 2 0 .mo : 0 1 1 2 0 .kh : 2 0 0 2 0 .kg : 0 1 0 1 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 2,729 2,276 1,938 6,943 12.6% ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - WESTERN EUROPE ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- .se : 520 349 184 1,053 1.9% .uk : 255 324 251 830 1.5% .de : 226 192 174 592 1.1% .nl : 144 187 137 468 0.9% .fr : 95 116 83 294 0.5% .it : 94 77 84 255 0.5% .no : 101 66 86 253 0.5% .dk : 87 70 58 215 0.4% .ch : 77 50 85 212 0.4% .fi : 97 46 45 188 0.3% .be : 52 55 50 157 0.3% .ie : 48 50 37 135 0.2% .es : 39 54 39 132 0.2% .at : 40 52 25 117 0.2% .gr : 31 43 21 95 0.2% .pt : 22 41 27 90 0.2% .is : 14 13 11 38 0.1% .lu : 4 2 8 14 0.0% .fo : 0 3 5 8 0 .mt : 2 4 1 7 0 .gl : 5 0 0 5 0 .gi : 0 0 1 1 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 1,953 1,794 1,412 5,159 9.3% ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - EASTERN EUROPE ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- .pl : 49 81 44 174 0.3% .ru : 58 35 41 134 0.2% .hu : 22 25 12 59 0.1% .hr : 21 14 12 47 0.1% .si : 14 15 10 39 0.1% .cz : 16 16 5 37 0.1% .ua : 14 12 5 31 0.1% .mk : 1 12 17 30 0.1% .bg : 8 6 9 23 0.0% .sk : 8 7 7 22 0 .ro : 5 6 10 21 0 .ee : 5 7 7 19 0 .lt : 4 9 6 19 0 .lv : 7 6 3 16 0 .ge : 6 3 1 10 0 .ba : 4 1 5 10 0 .su : 7 2 0 9 0 .md : 0 1 0 1 0 .by : 0 1 0 1 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 249 259 194 702 1.3% ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - MIDDLE EAST ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- .il : 93 86 81 260 0.5% .bh : 51 42 49 142 0.3% .tr : 48 38 30 116 0.2% .om : 22 31 18 71 0.1% .ae : 13 20 9 42 0.1% .jo : 12 4 14 30 0.1% .lb : 10 5 8 23 0.0% .kw : 6 6 8 20 0 .cy : 5 6 5 16 0 .qa : 2 3 0 5 0 .az : 2 0 0 2 0 .am : 0 0 1 1 0 .ir : 1 0 0 1 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 265 241 223 729 1.3% ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- .br : 41 32 32 105 0.2% .ar : 25 24 24 73 0.1% .cl : 11 6 8 25 0.0% .co : 6 18 4 28 0 . ve : 9 6 1 16 0 .do : 6 5 3 14 0 .cr : 6 5 2 13 0 .uy : 5 4 3 12 0 .pe : 0 4 4 8 0 .ec : 3 2 0 5 0 .sv : 1 1 1 3 0 .ni : 1 0 1 2 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 114 107 83 304 0.6% ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - AFRICA ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- .za : 36 31 59 126 0.2% .eg : 17 17 7 41 0.1% .mu : 2 3 2 7 0.0% .bw : 1 0 4 5 0 .zw : 2 2 1 5 0 .na : 3 0 1 4 0 .et : 1 1 2 4 0 .ke : 1 0 2 3 0 .bf : 0 1 0 1 0 .zm : 0 0 1 1 0 .tg : 0 0 1 1 0 .ma : 1 0 0 1 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 64 55 80 199 0.4% ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - OCEANA & CARIBBEAN ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- .tt : 9 3 2 14 0 .bm : 2 4 7 13 0 .jm : 1 2 2 5 0 .fj : 2 0 2 4 0 .ad : 0 2 0 2 0 .ky : 1 0 0 1 0 .pg : 1 0 0 1 0 .vi : 0 1 0 1 0 .bs : 0 1 0 1 0 .nc : 0 1 0 1 0 .pf : 1 0 0 1 0 .dm : 1 0 0 1 0 .bb : 0 0 1 1 0 .ag : 0 1 0 1 0 .nu : 0 0 1 1 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 18 15 15 48 0.1% ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER VISITS - INTERNATIONAL ================================================== DOMAIN VISITS VISITS VISITS 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % VISITS -------------------------------------------------- .int : 0 3 2 5 0 ================================================== ==================================================
1998 4th Quarter Data Transfer by RegionWalnet served out 2.2 Gbytes of data during the 1998 fourth quarter. About 62.5 per cent (4.5 Gbytes) of that went mainly to requests from within North America, at an average of 1.5 Gbytes a month. The most data was transfered to domains with the suffix ".com" (2.1 Gbytes or 29.2 per cent of all data transfered) averaging 703 Mbytes per month. Domains with the suffix ".net" downloaded 1.4 Gbytes (or 19.4 per cent) for an average of 459 Mbytes a month. Canada (.ca) domains downloaded 589.7 Mbytes (or 8.2 per cent of the quarter total) averaging 197 Mbytes a month. US education domains (.edu) downloaded 283.4 Mbytes total (3.9 per cent) for an average of 94 Mbytes per month. Mexico (.mx) downloaded 14.3 Mbytes (0.2 per cent), an average of 4.8 Mbytes per month.Asia and Australasia requested about 6 per cent (430 Mbytes) of all the data tranfered during the 1998 final quarter with an average of 143 Mbytes a month. The most data transfered to this region went to Japan (93 Mbytes, or 1.3 per cent of all data transfered, averaging 31 Mbytes per month), Malaysia (), and Korea (). Australia placed fourth from this region downloading 45.7M (or 0.6 per cent of the fourth quarter total.) at an average 15 Mbytes a month. Australia was followed by Singapore, China and Taiwan. Western Europe downloaded 330.7 Mbytes or (4.6 per cent of the Walnet total) during the fourth quarter, at an average of 110 Mbytes a month. The most data transfered to this region went to the UK ( 54 Mbytes or 0.8 per cent) at an average of 18 Mbytes a month. Followed by Sweden (14 Mbytes per month or 0.6 per cent), Germany (12 Mbytes per month or 0.5 per cent), France (11 Mbytes a month or 0.4 per cent) and the Netherlands (9 Mbytes per month, or 0.4 per cent). Interestingly other countries loosely lumped in this region that downloaded data included Iceland, Greenland, Gibralter, Malta and the Faroe Islands (north of Denmark). Eastern Europe downloaded 51.1M (average 17 Mbytes per month) or 0.7 per cent with the most data transfered to Poland (15.5 Mbytes or 0.2 per cent) averaging 5 Mbytes a month, followed by Russian Federation (averaging 2.6 Mbytes per month or 0.1 per cent), Hungary (2.2 Mbytes per month or 0.1 per cent), the Czech Republic (1.7 Mbytes per month or 0.1 per cent) and Slovenia (790 Kbytes a month). The Middle East downladed 42.4M (or 0.6 per cent of the total data transfered) of data during the 1998 fourth quarter, with an average of 14 Mbytes a month. Isreal downloaded 17.3 Mbytes total (0.2 per cent) or 5.7 Mbytes per month, followed by Bahrain (2.4 Mbytes per month or 0.1 per cent) and Turkey (2.2 Mbytes per month or 0.1 per cent). Other countries from this region to download data included Jordan, Lebanon, Cyprus, Kuwait, Iran and Armenia. Central and South America downloaded 20.6M (or 0.3 per cent of the Walnet total) during the 1998 fourth quarter (an average of 6.9 Mbytes a month). Brazil downloaded the most data (6.4 Mbytes or 0.1 per cent) at an average of 2.1 Mbytes per month. Followed by Argentina (1.5 Mbytes per month or 0.1 per cent), Columbia (1 Mbyte per month), Chile (648 Kbytes a month) and Venezuela (483 Kbytes per month). Other countries from this region that downloaded data inluded Uraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Dominican Republic. Africa downloaded 11.4 Mbytes (or 0.2 per cent) during the 1998 final quarter. Republic of South Africa ranked first on the continent downloaded 6.6 Mbytes (0.1 per cent) for an average of 2.2 Mbytes a month, followed by Egypt (1 Mbyte per month) and Mauritius (191 Kbytes a month). Other countries in Africa that downloaded data included Namibia, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Zambia and Togo. Island nations in the Caribbean and South Pacific also downloaded data: Trinidad and Tobago downloaded an average of 485 Kbytes a month, Bermuda downloaded an average of 322 Kbytes per month. Other island nations included Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Andorra, Cayman Islands, Anguilla, Fiji, French Polynesia, New Caledonia and Niue.
================================================== ================================================== 1998 4TH QUARTER DATA TRANSFER - GRAND TOTAL* ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 2.6G 2.7G 1.9G 7.2G 100.0% -------------------------------------------------- * Although "Adv Proj Res Agency," and "local net" are not listed in these domain suffix tables, they are included in the grand total. ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - UNRESOLVED IP ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- ??? : 486.9M 714.5M 787.8M 2.0G 27.8% ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - NORTH AMERICA** ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- .com : 987.0M 743.3M 378.6M 2.1G 29.2% .net : 494.7M 530.3M 352.5M 1.4G 19.4% .ca : 204.5M 254.0M 131.2M 589.7M 8.2% .edu : 87.3M 132.8M 63.3M 283.4M 3.9% .us : 11.8M 13.7M 9.7M 35.3M 0.5% .org : 9.1M 9.3M 8.5M 26.9M 0.4% .mx : 5.4M 5.3M 3.6M 14.3M 0.2% .gov : 4.2M 3.8M 4.6M 12.6M 0.2% .mil : 2.7M 2.0M 2.0M 6.7M 0.1% -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 1.8G 1.7G 954M 4.5G 62.5% -------------------------------------------------- ** Mostly North America (there are .net domains in the Netherlands for instance.) ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - ASIA & AUSTRALASIA ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- .jp : 34.9M 32.1M 26.2M 93.2M 1.3% .my : 36.5M 32.4M 22.0M 90.9M 1.3% .kr : 35.0M 13.5M 17.2M 65.7M 0.9% .au : 19.0M 16.2M 10.5M 45.7M 0.6% .sg : 13.8M 14.8M 9.1M 37.7M 0.5% .cn : 11.0M 10.6M 6.8M 28.4M 0.4% .tw : 4.6M 10.1M 3.5M 18.2M 0.3% .nz : 2.1M 4.5M 3.2M 9.8M 0.1% .id : 2.5M 5.0M 1.4M 8.9M 0.1% .in : 2.7M 2.9M 2.5M 8.1M 0.1% .th : 3.6M 1.8M 1.9M 7.3M 0.1% .hk : 1.3M 851.9K 2.7M 4.9M 0.1% .vn : 3.4M 395.6K 0 3.8M 0.1% .ph : 1.0M 1.6M 1.0M 3.6M 0.1% .pk : 559.4K 876.3K 781.3K 2.2M 0.0% .bn : 309.5K 126.9K 52.6K 489.0K 0 .mv : 0 159.3K 276.8K 436.1K 0 .lk : 279.3K 90.6K 36.4K 406.3K 0 .kh : 191.6K 0 0 191.6K 0 .kz : 62.7K 22.1K 0 84.8K 0 .np : 0 63.3K 35.4K 98.7K 0 .kg : 0 39.6K 0 39.6K 0 .mo : 0 0 22.2K 22.2K 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 172.8M 148.1M 109.2M 430.2M 6.0% ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - WESTERN EUROPE ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- .uk : 14.1M 24.0M 16.1M 54.2M 0.8% .se : 21.2M 13.2M 6.9M 41.3M 0.6% .de : 15.9M 13.5M 7.1M 36.5M 0.5% .fr : 6.4M 21.2M 4.1M 31.7M 0.4% .nl : 7.8M 14.7M 4.5M 27.0M 0.4% .at : 4.6M 14.2M 1.0M 19.8M 0.3% .dk : 8.8M 4.0M 3.1M 15.9M 0.2% .no : 5.1M 5.2M 5.5M 15.8M 0.2% .it : 5.1M 5.4M 5.2M 15.7M 0.2% .be : 7.8M 2.5M 4.6M 14.9M 0.2% .fi : 8.2M 2.4M 3.3M 13.9M 0.2% .ch : 3.8M 5.8M 4.1M 13.7M 0.2% .ie : 3.1M 3.9M 2.1M 9.1M 0.1% .pt : 1.8M 3.4M 1.9M 7.1M 0.1% .gr : 2.7M 2.3M 1.3M 6.3M 0.1% .es : 1.9M 1.7M 1.8M 5.4M 0.1% .is : 616.6K 431.3K 437.1K 1.5M 0.0% .lu : 127.1K 174.3K 127.2K 486.6K 0 .gl : 264.9K 0 0 264.9K 0 .mt : 115.6K 96.3K 35.4K 247.3K 0 .gi : 0 0 39.6K 39.6K 0 .fo : 0 9.8K 137.6K 147.4K 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 119.4M 138.1M 73.2M 330.7M 4.6% ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - EASTERN EUROPE ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- .pl : 7.3M 5.3M 2.9M 15.5M 0.2% .ru : 4.5M 1.3M 2.0M 7.8M 0.1% .hu : 1.5M 4.0M 1.2M 6.7M 0.1% .cz : 2.7M 2.3M 100.3K 5.1M 0.1% .si : 811.7K 855.1K 701.7K 2.4M 0.0% .ua : 893.7K 852.4K 295.9K 2.0M 0 .lt : 374.5K 970.7K 484.9K 1.8M 0 .hr : 494.4K 638.9K 546.2K 1.7M 0 .bg : 800.9K 362.7K 337.4K 1.5M 0 .mk : 24.0K 670.3K 473.1K 1.2M 0 .ba : 351.0K 205.7K 441.9K 998.6K 0 .ee : 120.8K 382.0K 442.0K 944.8K 0 .lv : 89.1K 240.3K 455.7K 785.1K 0 .sk : 449.5K 157.8K 121.9K 729.2K 0 .ro : 319.6K 114.3K 293.0K 726.9K 0 .su : 666.1K 18.8K 0 684.9K 0 .ge : 219.6K 135.4K 0 355.0K 0 .by : 0 130.5K 0 130.5K 0 .md : 0 53.1K 0 53.1K 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 21.6M 18.7M 10.4M 51.1M 0.7% ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - MIDDLE EAST ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- .il : 6.8M 6.5M 4.0M 17.3M 0.2% .bh : 2.3M 2.2M 2.6M 7.1M 0.1% .tr : 3.3M 1.9M 1.4M 6.6M 0.1% .om : 822.1K 1.5M 459.2K 2.8M 0.0% .ae : 441.3K 1.1M 336.8K 1.9M 0 .lb : 784.0K 465.1K 437.0K 1.7M 0 .jo : 820.0K 156.8K 542.4K 1.5M 0 .cy : 1.2M 236.4K 57.3K 1.5M 0 .kw : 702.6K 424.9K 279.4K 1.4M 0 .qa : 314.5K 224.4K 0 538.9K 0 .az : 80.2K 0 0 80.2K 0 .ir : 5.3K 0 0 5.3K 0 .am : 0 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 17.6M 14.7M 10.1M 42.4M 0.6% ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- .br : 2.6M 2.2M 1.6M 6.4M 0.1% .ar : 1.5M 1.6M 1.3M 4.4M 0.1% .co : 378.0K 1.9M 771.8K 3.0M 0.0% .cl : 1.1M 394.9K 450.5K 1.9M 0 . ve : 847.8K 450.3K 150.2K 1.4M 0 .uy : 374.2K 155.3K 448.2K 977.7K 0 .do : 301.2K 544.4K 47.9K 893.5K 0 .sv : 248.7K 203.6K 69.4K 521.7K 0 .pe : 0 153.0K 341.7K 494.7K 0 .cr : 189.6K 84.2K 45.8K 319.6K 0 .ec : 174.1K 34.8K 0 208.9K 0 .ni : 53.7K 0 35.0K 88.7K 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 7.8M 7.7M 5.3M 20.6M 0.3% ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - AFRICA ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- .za : 1.9M 1.1M 3.6M 6.6M 0.1% .eg : 1.3M 1.4M 288.0K 3.0M 0.0% .mu : 48.2K 307.8K 216.2K 572.2K 0 .zw : 203.6K 225.1K 17.2K 445.9K 0 .na : 321.8K 0 80.7K 402.5K 0 .bw : 91.0K 0 131.2K 222.2K 0 .et : 5.5K 8.1K 45.7K 59.3K 0 .ke : 19.5K 0 29.6K 49.1K 0 .ma : 40.1K 0 0 40.1K 0 .bf : 0 29.7K 0 29.7K 0 .zm : 0 0 22.4K 22.4K 0 .tg : 0 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 3.9M 3.1M 4.4M 11.4M 0.2% ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - OCEANA & CARIBBEAN ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- .tt : 614.6K 545.9K 295.3K 1.5M 0 .bm : 111.7K 209.6K 643.8K 965.1K 0 .ad : 0 297.1K 0 297.1K 0 .fj : 18.2K 0 183.9K 202.1K 0 .jm : 92.1K 74.4K 16.8K 183.3K 0 .ag : 0 100.1K 0 100.1K 0 .pf : 99.8K 0 0 99.8K 0 .nu : 0 0 87.0K 87.0K 0 .dm : 81.5K 0 0 81.5K 0 .vi : 0 46.0K 0 46.0K 0 .bb : 0 0 35.5K 35.5K 0 .nc : 0 35.3K 0 35.3K 0 .ky : 17.2K 0 0 17.2K 0 .pg : 9.3K 0 0 9.3K 0 .bs : 0 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 1.0M 1.3M 1.3M 3.7M 0.1% ================================================== DATA TRANSFER - INTERNATIONAL ================================================== DOMAIN BYTES BYTES BYTES 4TH Q 4TH Q SUFFIX OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL % BYTES -------------------------------------------------- .int : 0 64.9K 384.5K 449.4K 0 ================================================== ==================================================
Domain Suffix Definitions========================================================= DOMAIN SUFFIX DEFINITIONS ========================================================= .arpa Arpanet | .int International .com Commercial* | .edu USA Educational .net Network | .gov USA Government .org Non-Profit Orgs* | .mil USA Military * mainly N. America --------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY DIGRAPHS: AD - ET --------------------------------------------------------- .ad Andorra | .bs Bahamas .ae United Arab Emirates | .bw Botswana .ag Antigua & Barbuda | .by Byelorussian .ai Anguilla | .ca Canada .am Armenia | .ch Switzerland .ar Argentina | .cl Chile .at Austria | .cn China .au Australia | .co Colombia .aw Aruba | .cr Costa Rica .az Azerbaijan | .cy Cyprus .ba Bosnia Herzegovina | .cz Czech Republic .bb Barbados | .de Germany .be Belgium | .dk Denmark .bf Burkina Faso | .dm Dominica .bg Bulgaria | .do Dominican Republic .bh Bahrain | .ec Ecuador .bm Bermuda | .ee Estonia .bn Brunei Darussalam | .eg Egypt .bo Bolivia | .es Spain .br Brazil | .et Ethiopia --------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY DIGRAPHS: FI - MA --------------------------------------------------------- .fi Finland | .is Iceland .fj Fiji | .it Italy .fm Micronesia | .jm Jamaica .fo Faroe Islands | .jo Jordan .fr France | .jp Japan .ge Georgia | .ke Kenya .gi Gibraltar | .kg Kyrgyzstan .gl Greenland | .kh Cambodia .gp French Guadaloupe | .kr South Korea .gr Greece | .kw Kuwait .gt Guatemala | .kz Kazakhstan .hk Hong Kong | .lb Lebanon .hn Honduras | .ky Cayman Islands .hr Croatia | .lc Saint Lucia .hu Hungary | .li Liechtenstein .id Indonesia | .lk Sri Lanka .ie Ireland | .lt Lithuania .il Israel | .lu Luxembourg .in India | .lv Latvia .ir Iran | .ma Morocco --------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY DIGRAPHS: MD - TT --------------------------------------------------------- .md Moldavia | .pg Papua New Guinea .mk Macedonia | .ph Philippines .mo Macau | .pk Pakistan .mt Malta | .pl Poland .mu Mauritius | .pt Portugal .mv Maldives | .py Paraguay .mx Mexico | .qa Qatar .my Malaysia | .ro Romania .na Namibia | .ru Russia .nc New Caledonia | .se Sweden .ni Nicaragua | .sg Singapore .nl Netherlands | .si Slovenia .no Norway | .sk Slovak Republic .np Nepal | .sm San Marino .nu Niue | .su Former USSR .nz New Zealand | .sv El Savador .om Oman | .tg Togo .pa Panama | .th Thailand .pe Peru | .tr Turkey .pf French Polynesia | .tt Trinidad & Tobago --------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY DIGRAPHS: TW - ZW --------------------------------------------------------- .tw Taiwan | .vn Vietnam .ua Ukraine | .vu Vanuatu .ug Uganda | .ye Yemen .uk United Kingdom | .yu Yugoslavia .us United States | .za South Africa .uy Uruguay | .zm Zambia .ve Venezuela | .zw Zimbabwe .vi Virgin Islands (US) | =========================================================
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Created: May 11, 1999 Last modified: January 3, 2000 |
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Walnet Institute Box 3075, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6 Tel: +1 (604) 488-0710 Email: info@walnet.org |